21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Kış Lastiği ve Yaz lastiği

SORU: Kış Lastiğinin Yaz lastiğinden farkı nedir? Yaz lastiklerinin malzemesi 7 °C’ın altındaki sıcaklıklarda sertleştiği için yola tutunması azalmaktadır.Kış lastiklerinin ise, özel profillerinin yanısıra, üretildikleri Silica esaslı malzeme daha yumuşaktır ve 7 °C’ın altındaki soğuk hava şartlarında kuru asfalt, kar ve buzda tutunmayı artırmaktadır. SORU: Bir lastiğin Kış Lastiği olup olmadığı nasıl anlaşılır? Kış Lastiği ile ilgili RMA (Rubber Manufacturers Association) ve ASTM şartlarını sağlayan lastikler yukardaki sembolü kullanabilirler. “Bu sembolü taşıyan lastikler Kış Lastiğidir” diyebiliriz. SORU: M+S Kış Lastiği nedir? FREN özelliğinin yanında ÇEKİŞ özelliği de artırılmış Kış Lastiği ’dir. RMA (Rubber Manufacturers Association)’un tanımlamasına ve ASTM ’nin test metoduna göre kış şartlarını temsil eden kaygan bir yolda yapılan çekiş kuvveti testinde “referans lastiğin” çekiş kuvvetinden en az %10 daha fazla çekiş kuvveti sağlayan lastikler Kış Lastiği sembolünün yanında M+S veya M S veya M/S işaretleri taşıyabilmektedirler. Aşağıdaki sembolleri birarada taşıyan lastiklere “ M+S Kış Lastiği “ diyebiliriz: •M+S SORU: Kar Lastiği var mıdır? HAYIR! Her ne kadar İngilizce konuşulan ülkelerde, örneğin ABD’de, isim olarak “Snow Tyre” kullanılsa da “Kar Lastiği” diye ayrı bir Lastik sınıfı yoktur. Kış Lastiği yerine “Kar Lastiği” denilmesi doğru değildir. Kış Lastiğine “Kar Lastiği” yakıştırması “sadece kar üzerinde kullanılabilen” veya “kar üzerinde Kar Zinciri kullanılmasını gerektirmeyen” gibi yanlış anlamalara neden olmaktadır. Öte yandan bazı, genellikle ucuz, Kış Lastiği markalarının kar üzerindeki sonuçlarının diğer rakip markalardan daha iyi, fakat kuru ve ıslak yolda belirgin şekilde kötü olması, bu zayıflığı olan lastiklerin “Kar Lastiği” olarak satılması bir “Pazarlama Stratejisi” olarak da değerlendirilebilir. SORU: M+S “Dört Mevsim Lastiği” nedir? “Dört Mevsim Lastiği“ olarak da bilinen M+S lastikleri ( M = Mud = Çamur S = Snow = Kar ) Çamur ve Kar üzerinde daha iyi sonuç almak için üretilmiş, ancak bu ek özelliklerinin standardı olmayan lastiklerdir. Bu harfleri taşıyan lastiklerin hangi şartları sağladığı belli değildir. Yolüstü ve Yoldışı şartlarda gitmesi beklenen 4x4 SUV araçların fabrika çıkışı lastikleri genellikle M+S lastikleridir. SORU: M+S “Dört Mevsim Lastiği” Kış Lastiği sayılır mı ? HAYIR! M+S lastikleri ancak Kış Lastiği sembolünü taşıyorsa M+S Kış Lastiği olarak değerlendirilebilir. Kış lastiği sembolünü taşımayan M+S lastiklerinin kar üzerinde fren mesafelerinin yaz lastiklerinden daha kısa , ancak kış lastiklerinden daha uzun olduğu saptanmıştır. “Kış Lastiği” sembolünü taşımayan M+S “Dört Mevsim Lastikleri” nin kışın iyi bir Kış Lastiği , yazın da iyi bir Yaz Lastiği olamıyacağı mutlaka bilinmelidir. SORU: Kış Lastiği sembolü taşımayan M+S Lastiği Kış Lastiği sayılmıyorsa, nedenM+S Lastiği Almanya’da Aralık 2010’da yapılan son düzenlemede kış şartlarına uygun lastikler arasında değerlendirilmiştir ? Eski düzenlemeye kıyasla daha doğru bulunmasına karşın, Alman Trafik Güvenliği kuruluşları bu kararı yetersiz bulduklarını açıkladılar. Bu kararın alınmasında M+S lastiğini fabrika çıkışı standart lastik olarak kullanan 4x4 SUV araçların etkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. SORU: Kar yağmıyorsa Kış Lastiğine neden ihtiyaç olsun? Kar yağınca yaz lastiğine Kar Zinciri takarım. Yanlış mı? RİSK YÖNETİMİ AÇISINDAN YANLIŞ ! Kış Lastiği Risk Yönetimi , Kar Zinciri Kriz Yönetimi dir. Ne kadar çok Risk Yönetimi , o kadar az Kriz Yönetimi. Kış Lastiği , kışın kar yağsın yağmasın düşük sıcaklıklarda aracın yola tutunmasını artırmakta , aşırı buzlanma olmadığı sürece aracın kar üzerinde gitmesine ve durmasına olanak vermektedir. Özellikle kuru yoldan kaygan yollara (Köprü ve Viyadük üstünde buzlanma veya siyah buz vs) ani girişlerde aracı yolda tutabilmektedir. Yani Kış Lastiği riskleri azaltmaktadır. Yaz Lastiği ise aynı şartlarda ve özellikle ani zemin değişikliklerinde aracı yolda tutamamaktadır.Kış Lastiğine göre çok daha erken ve sık Kar Zinciri takma ihtiyacı duymakta ,zincir takıldığında yavaş gitmek ve kuru zeminde ise çıkarılmak zorundadır. SORU: Kış lastiğinin sadece çekiş olan tekerleklere takılması yeterli midir? HAYIR ! Kış lastikleri dört tekerleğe de takılmalıdır , çünkü aracın en kısa mesafede durması hareket edebilmesinden daha önemlidir. İyi bir fren performansı ve kararlılık için 4 tekerlekte de Kış Lastiği şarttır. SORU: Karayolları Trafik Kanununda Kış Lastiği tanımı var mıdır? HAYIR ! Karayolları Trafik Kanunu’nda “Kış Lastiği” yer almamaktadır, ancak 30.maddede yeralan ; “Araçların, esasları yönetmelikte belirtilen şekilde ve tarzda teknik şartlara uygun durumda bulundurulması zorunludur” cümlesi ilgili Yönetmelikte yeterli bilgi olmadığı için Trafik Polisi ve Trafik Jandarmasına; “kışın bazı kaygan yollarda Kış Lastiği yeterlidir,zincir istenmeyebilir ” şeklinde yorum yapma sorumluluğu yüklemektedir. SORU: Hangi resmi veya özel araçlar öncelikle Kış Lastiği takmalıdır? Kışın sıcaklığın 7 °C’ın altında geçtiği yerlerde Ambulans ,İtfaiye, Belediye araçları, Polis ,Jandarma, Okul servisi, Taksi gibi görev araçlarına ve tabii ki Şehiriçi- ve Şehirlerarası Yolcu Otobüslerine kar yağmadan , yollar buz tutmadan , henüz kışın başında iken Kış Lastiği takılmalıdır. SORU: Kış Lastiği takılı araçların Kar Zinciri bulundurmaları gerekli midir? EVET ! ZORUNLUDUR ! Karayolu Trafik Kanunu ve ilgili Karayolu Trafik Yönetmeliği gereği Karlı ve buzlu yollarda “bir takım Kar Zinciri bulundurulması” zorunludur. Bu zorunluluk Yaz veya Kış Lastiği takmış tüm araçlar için geçerlidir. SORU: Kış Lastiği takılı bir araca Kar Zinciri takılır mı? Takılırsa hangi durumlarda takılmalıdır? TAKILABİLİR! 1) Trafik yetkililerinin talebi durumunda, Kış Lastiği takılı araçlara ne zaman Kar Zinciri takılması gerektiği Trafik Polisi ve Trafik Jandarmasının yetkisinde olmakla birlikte , zorunluluk olmaksızın bu sorumluluk öncelikle sürücülerin üzerindedir. Karlı yollarda Trafik yetkilileri Yaz Lastiği takılı araçlardan Kar Zinciri takmalarını isterken, Kış Lastiği takılı araçlardan bunu istemeyebilirler. Kış Lastiği takılı olduğu görülmesine karşın , Trafik yetkilileri Kar Zinciri takılmasını isterse , sürücülerin kesinlikle bu karara uymaları gereklidir. 2) Kış lastiğinin yetersiz kaldığı karlı veya buzlu yollarda özellikle yokuş aşağı inişlerde aşağıdaki deneme yapıldığında sonuç olumsuzsa; - aracın hızı ve vitesi o şekilde seçilmelidir ki, gaz pedalı bırakıldığında araç blokajsız yavaşlamalı, gaza basıldığında patinajsız hızlanmalıdır. 3) Araç hızı düşürülmesine karşın aşağıdaki durumlar devam ediyorsa; •Fren sırasında ABS’nin , •Gaza basıldığında ASR’nin ve •Dönemeçlerde ESP’in kendiliğinden çok sık devreye girmesi sınır değerlere de çok sık ulaşıldığı anlamına gelir. Tehlikeli durum oluşmadan araç üreticisinin tanımladığı tekerleklere Kar Zinciri takılmalıdır. SORU: Trafik Denetimi sırasında araçta Kış Lastiği takılı olduğunun daha kolay anlaşılması için ne yapılabilir? Kolay teşhis için Kış Lastiği sembolü çıkmaz beyaz kalem ile boyanabilir. SORU: ABS / ASR / ESP olan araçlara da Kış Lastiği takılmalı mıdır? EVET ! ABS fren , ASR ise çekiş güvenliğini arttıran teknik üstünlüklerdir, ancak ABS/ASR fizik kurallarını ,yani tekerlekle yol arasındaki sürtünme katsayısını, değiştiremez, kötü lastiklerle buzda fren mesafesini kısaltamaz. ESP ise hareket sırasında sürücünün istediği hareket çizgisinden çıkma eğilimi gösteren aracı, sürücünün istemi dışında, frenleri tek tek kullanarak, aracın tekrar sürücünün istediği hareket çizgisine girmesini sağlayan kararlılığı artıran bir elektronik denetim sistemidir. Yukarda sayılan tüm Elektronik Güvenlik ve Çekiş Sistemlerinin başarısı ve doğru çalışabilmeleri için lastiklerin yola iyi tutunmaları şarttır. Kışın bu araçlar da Kış Lastiği kullanmalıdır. SORU: 4X4 araçların Kış Lastiği takmasına gerek var mıdır? EVET! Yaz lastikleriyle donatılmış dört tekerden çekişli (4x4) bir araç kar üzerinde rahatlıkla kalkış yapabilmekte ve kısa sürede yüksek hızlara çıkabilmektedir, fakat fren sırasında durma mesafesi aşırı uzamaktadır yani; “gittiği gibi” duramamaktadır. Bunun çok basit bir nedeni vardır fren sırasında tüm araçlar dört tekerlekten fren yapmaktadır, yani araçlar eşittir. Yaz lastiği ile kar veya buz üzerinde araç kullanmak isteyen (özellikle 4x4) araç sahiplerine (Kış Lastiği veya zincir takmak dışında) tavsiyemiz bundan vazgeçmeleri , kendilerinin ve başkalarının can ve mal güvenliğini tehlikeye sokmamalarıdır. SORU: Neden dört tekerden çekişli (4X4) ve elektronik güvenlik donanımlarına sahip araçların iki tekerden çekişli araçlara göre daha çok Kış Lastiği ihtiyacı vardır? Çünkü dört tekerden çekişli ve elektronik güvenlik donanımlarına sahip araçlar karlı yollarda, iki tekerden çekişli araçlara göre çok daha çabuk hızlanabilmekte , daha yüksek hızlara ve fiziksel sınırlara ulaşabilmekteler, ancak fren sırasında tüm araçlar eşit durumda oldukları için “gittiği gibi” duramamaktadırlar. SORU: Kış Lastiği takılı dört tekerden çekişli (4x4) araçların Kar Zinciri bulundurmaları gerekli midir? EVET ! ZORUNLUDUR ! Karayolu Trafik Kanunu ve ilgili Karayolu Trafik Yönetmeliği gereği Karlı ve buzlu yollarda “bir takım Kar Zinciri bulundurulması” zorunludur. Bu zorunluluk Yaz veya Kış Lastiği takmış , 4x4’ler dahil, tüm araçlar için geçerlidir. SORU: Yaz Lastiği takılı 4X4 ABS/ASR ve ESP’li bir araç , Kış Lastiği takılı önden çekişli ve ABS’li başka bir araçla karlı bir yolda karşılaştırıldığında hangi araç daha güvenlidir? FREN AÇSINDAN KIŞ LASTİKLİ ÖNDEN ÇEKİŞLİ ARAÇ ! Kış Lastikleriyle donatılmış önden çekişli bir aracın Yaz lastikleriyle donatılmış dört tekerden çekişli 4x4 bir araca göre daha güvenli olduğunu herhalde pek azımız biliyordur. Bunun çok basit bir nedeni vardır Fren sırasında bütün araçlar dört tekerden fren yaptıkları için eşittirler. Yaz lastikleriyle donatılmış 4x4 bir araç “gittiği gibi” duramamakta yani fren sırasında fren mesafesi aşırı uzamaktadır. Öte yandan dört tekeri de Kış lastikleriyle donatılmış tek dingilden çekişli bir araç “gittiğinden daha iyi” durabilmektedir. SORU: Türkiye’de Yaz - Kış Lastiği karşılaştırması yapıldı mı? EVET ! Üç kez. 4 Mart 2005’de FRENTEKNİK Test Laboratuvarı ve OLTAŞ / CONTINENTAL tarafından ABS test pisti üzerinde (k=0.2 kara yakın sürtünme katsayısı) 80 km/h hızda yapılan karşılaştırma testinde: kış lastikleri ile 65 m yaz lastikleri ile 80 m fren mesafesi ölçülmüştür. 25 Ocak 2006’da İETT , kışlastiği.com ve FRENTEKNİK Test Laboratuvarı tarafından karlı zemin üzerinde İETT ’ye ait MAN belediye otobüsleriyle 50 km/h hızda yapılan karşılaştırma testinde: kış lastikleriyle 43 m yaz lastikleriyle 63 m fren mesafesi ölçülmüştür. 31 Mart 2006’da GOOD YEAR, kışlastiği.com , HED AKADEMİ ve FRENTEKNİK Test Laboratuvarı işbirliği ile yapılan “OKUL SERVİSLERİ İÇİN KIŞ LASTİĞİ - YAZ LASTİĞİ KARŞILAŞTIRMASI” 60 km/h hızda yapılan karşılaştırma testinde: Yaz lastikleriyle ........................................ 67 m Kış lastikleriyle ......................................... 38 m Önde Yaz , arkada Kış Lastikleriyle ........ 52 m fren mesafesi ölçülmüştür. SORU: Yeni Kış Lastiği takıldıktan sonra nelere dikkat edilmelidir? Yeni Kış Lastiği takıldıktan sonra; •Kuru yol üzerinde 200 - 300 km “Yüzey Alıştırması” yapılması, •“Yüzey Alıştırması” sırasında yüksek hızlara çıkılmaması, ani fren yapılmaması, dönemeçlere hızlı girilmemesi, •“Yüzey Alıştırması” yapılmadan Kar üzerinde kullanılmaması, gereklidir. Kuru yol üzerinde “Yüzey Alıştırması” yapılması gereğinin nedeni Kış Lastiği üretim sürecinde lastiğin lamellerinin kalıptan kolay ayrılabilmesi için Silica bazlı bir “Kalıptan ayırma yağı” kullanılması ve bu yağın lastiğin istenen tutunmayı sağlayabilmesi için temizlenmesi gereğidir. Geniş tabanlı Kış Lastikleri için “Yüzey Alıştırması” süreci daha da önemlidir. SORU: Lastiğin “Yük Sınıfı” nedir? Bir lastiğin taşıyabileceği yükü (kg) gösterir. Araç üreticisi çeşitli emniyet faktörlerini de gözönüne alarak ürettiği araca takılacak lastiklerin “Yük Sınıfı” nı belirler. Bir araca sonradan Standart Lastiğin “Yük Sınıfı” nın altında lastik takılamaz. YÜK SINIFI (YS) TABLOSU LOAD INDEX (L I ) YS / kg YS / kg YS / kg YS / kg YS / kg YS / kg YS / kg 50 190 51 195 52 200 53 206 54 212 55 218 56 224 57 230 58 236 59 243 60 250 61 257 62 265 63 272 64 280 65 290 66 300 67 307 68 315 69 325 70 335 71 345 72 355 73 365 74 375 75 387 76 400 77 412 78 425 79 437 80 450 81 462 82 475 83 487 84 500 85 515 86 530 87 545 88 560 89 580 90 600 91 615 92 630 93 650 94 670 95 690 96 710 97 730 98 750 99 775 100 800 101 825 102 850 103 875 104 900 105 925 106 950 107 975 108 1000 109 1030 110 1060 111 1090 112 1120 113 1150 114 1180 115 1215 116 1250 117 1285 118 1320 119 1360 120 1400 SORU: Kış lastiğinin yola daha iyi tutunması için hava basıncını düşürmek doğru mudur? KESİNLİKLE YANLIŞ! Kış ve Yaz lastiklerinin hava basınçları “kesinlikle” Lastik ve Araç üreticisinin verdiği değerler olmalıdır. Öte yandan düşük basınç durumunda sanıldığı gibi yola tutunma artmamakta, lastiğin yola tutunmayı artıran profilleri yetersiz basınçtan dolayı işlevsiz kalmaktadır. Genel inanışın tersine hava basıncının istenen değerden 0.1 - 0.2 bar daha yüksek basılmasının Kış Lastiğinin tutunmasını artırdığı saptanmıştır.En son olarak, lastik basıncının düşürülmesinin aracın dönemeç kararlılığını olumsuz etkilemenin yanında “yuvarlanma direnci”ni ve dolayısıyla yakıt tüketimini de yükselttiği unutulmamalıdır. SORU: Lastiğin “Hız Sınıfı” nedir ? Bir lastiğin kullanılabileceği en yüksek hızı (km/h) gösterir. Hız sınıfı ( Speed Index – SI ) N P Q R S T U H V W Y ZR İzin verilen hız (km/h) 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 240 270 300 >240 Almanya dışında Karayolları ve Otoyollar üzerinde izin verilen en yüksek hız 130km/h olmasına karşın , üretilen araçların üzerinde bu hızın çok üzerinde hızlara izin verebilecek lastikler kullanılmaktadır. Araç üreticisi çeşitli emniyet faktörlerini de gözönüne alarak ürettiği aracın üzerindeki lastiklerin “ Hız Sınıfı”nı belirler. Bir araca sonradan Standart Yaz Lastiğinin “Hız Sınıfı”nın altında ; - Yaz Lastiği takılamaz, ◦Kış Lastiği takılabilir , ancak bu durumda, kilometre göstergesine yapıştırılacak bir çıkartma ile Sürücü uyarılmalıdır. SORU: Kış Lastiği takarken yaz lastiğinden farklı (Ölçü, Hız ve Yük Sınıfı ) bir lastik takılabilir mi? Araç üreticisinin önerdiği ve standart yaz lastiğinin özelliklerine sahip Kış Lastiği takılmalıdır. Ancak üretici tarafından tavsiye verilmemişse ; •Çapı aynı ancak genişliği daha az olan kış lastikleri kullanılabilir. - Yük Sınıfı kesinlikle aynı olmalıdır. - Hız sınırı daha düşük bir Kış Lastiği kullanılacaksa , Kış Lastiğinin bu düşük hız sınırından dolayı ,sürücü kilometre göstergesine yapıştırılacak bir çıkartma ile uyarılmalıdır. SORU: Kış Lastikleri nasıl saklanmalıdır ? Kış lastikleri 15 - 20 ºC sıcaklıkta karanlık , kuru ve serin bir yerde, radyatör gibi ısı kaynaklarından en az 1m uzaklıkta ve naylon gibi bir torbaya sarılarak depolanmalıdır. Jantlı ve jantsız olarak depolandığında şunlara dikkat edilmelidir: •JANTLI : Üst üste ve yatık şekilde depolanmalıdır . •JANTSIZ : Dikine ve yanyana depolanmalı , deforme olmamaları için lastikler peryodik olarak döndürülmelidir. SORU: Kış lastiklerinin saklanma ömrü kaç senedir? Beş yıldır. Bu süreyi geçen kış lastikleri işlevsel açıdan zayıflamaktadır. SORU: Kış Lastiği seçiminde nelere dikkat etmelidir ? 1) Araç üreticisinin önerdiği ; - Kış lastiği markası ve Tipi - Ölçü , Yük sınıfı ve Hız Sınıfı takılmalıdır. Bu bilgiler Kullanıcı El Kitabı veya araç üzerinde bulunmaktadır. Aracın Yetkili Servisleri de bu konuda bilgi verebilir. 2) Araç üreticisi tarafından Kış lastiği markası ve Tipi önerisi verilmemişse, seçilecek Kış Lastiğinin aracın üzerindeki Standart Yaz Lastiği ile aşağıdaki özellikleri aynı olmalıdır ; - Ölçü : Genişlik (mm) / Profil (%) X Jant çapı ( inç) - Yük sınıfı : Load Index - Hız sınıfı : Speed Index 3) Aşağıdaki durumlarda Standart Yaz Lastiği ile farklı özelliklere onay verilebilir: - Çapı aynı ancak genişliği daha az olan Kış Lastiği kullanılabilir. - Yük Sınıfı kesinlikle aynı olmalıdır. - Hız Sınıfı daha düşük bir Kış Lastiği kullanılacaksa sürücü, Kış Lastiğinin bu düşük Hız Sınıfından dolayı , kilometre göstergesine yapıştırılacak bir çıkartma ile uyarılmalıdır.4) Seçilen Kış Lastiğinin mutlaka; - Üzerinde “Kış Lastiği” işaretinin olması, - Üretim Yılı ve Ayının kontrol edilmesi , - Garanti şartlarının öğrenilmesi, - Aracın tüm tekerleklerine takılması gerekir. ( 4 x 4 x 4 kuralı) 5) Kış Lastiklerinin çeşitli otomobil dergileri veya kuruluşlar tarafından yapılmış testlerdeki sonuçları , fiyatlarının yanında, aşağıdaki önem sırasına göre gözönüne alınmalıdır: - Kuru yolda fren - Islak yolda fren - Karda Fren - Karda Çekiş Kış Lastikleri kışın, kardan çok kuru ve ıslak zeminlerde kullanılmaktadır . Sadece kar üzerinde iyi sonuç veren , kuru yolda kötü sonuçlar veren “Kar Lastiği” iyi bir Kış Lastiği olamaz. 6) En iyi Kış Lastiği; - Karda Fren ve Çekiş yönünden yeterli , - Kışın kuru ve ıslak zemindeki performansı, yazın Yaz Lastiğinin kuru ve ıslak zemindeki performansına en yakın sonuç veren lastiktir. SORU: Kış Lastiği 12 ay kullanılır mı? HAYIR ! Kış lastikleri ile yazın yapılan fren testleri yaz lastiklerine göre daha uzun fren mesafeleri vermiştir. Aşağıdaki örnekte yaklaşık 3m lik bir uzama görülmektedir. Yazın 100 km/h hızda yapılan fren testinde durma mesafesi ; •Kış Lastiği ile 41 m •Yaz Lastiği ile 38 m Ölçülmüştür. Gereğinde bu 3 m lik fark hayat kurtarabilir. Bu nedenle kış lastiklerini yazın kullanmamak gerekir.Öte yandan kış lastiklerinin yaz lastiklerine göre daha pahalı olduğu da gözönüne alınacak olursa , bu kararın ekonomik olmadığı da ortadadır. “YAZ LASTİKLERİ YAZIN, KIŞ LASTİKLERİ KIŞIN KULLANILIR”

18 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Orionid meteor shower peaks tonight; NASA is live-streaming video

For those who cannot see the Orionid meteor shower in person, NASA has images streaming on the Internet. The live feed is being filmed at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. Officials have warned the shower will be hard to see in urban areas because of light pollution. The shower, which occurs each October and will be at peak visibility from after midnight Saturday night to dawn Sunday morning, is the result of dust from Halley's Comet hitting Earth's atmosphere as the planet travels through space in its orbit around the sun. At peak time, 20 or so meteors are expected to flash across the sky each hour. Every year around mid-October, debris from the comet hits the edge of Earth's atmosphere. The debris is moving really fast -- roughly 148,000 mph -- and burns up when it hits the atmosphere, causing the flash of light we see. Q&A: Orionid meteor show explained Heavy cloud cover is expected overnight in much of the Los Angeles area, but for people in clear spots: Experts said the most important advice to those hoping to see the meteor shower is to get away from bright city lights. "My first advice for seeing it in L.A. would be to get out of L.A.," Bill Cooke, who runs NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office, joked during an interview Friday. He said those watching from downtown and other heavily illuminated areas might be able to see some meteors but would miss most of them. "If you are near bright city lights, you'll only be able to see the brightest meteors," he said. The best bet for L.A.-area residents is to head out of the urban areas and into the hills, said Laura Danly, curator at the Griffith Observatory. "One good bet would be Mulholland Drive," Danly said Friday. "If you're a little more ambitious, you could get a great view by going up to Mt. Wilson or Mt. Baldy." People who would rather watch from home, Danly said, should turn off all house lights and try to get their neighbors to engage in a blackout as well. "Anywhere that's removed from artificial lights should lend [itself] to a good view," she said. And how to watch it? Cook says the best way to see the shower is to lay flat on your back and look straight up. Use just your eyes -- you don’t need binoculars or a telescope -- because the meteors can appear anywhere in the sky, so you need a broad view. It usually takes about three minutes for a person's eyes to "dark adapt," so if you want to see the shower, you need to commit to spending a good hour outside.

Jennifer Lacy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Lacy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Jennifer Lacy WNBA's Tulsa Shock – No. 21 Forward Born March 21, 1983 (age 29) Nationality American Height 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) Weight 175 lb (79 kg) College Pepperdine WNBA career 2006–present Profile WNBA player profile WNBA Teams Phoenix Mercury (2006–2007) Atlanta Dream (2008–2009) Tulsa Shock (2010-present) Jennifer Lacy (born March 21, 1983) is an American professional basketball player in the WNBA. Lacy graduated from Agoura Hills High School in Agoura Hills, California in 2001. She played college basketball at Pepperdine, although she was recruited by Arizona, California, UC Santa Barbara, and Washington. She joined the WNBA in 2006. She is 6 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 175 pounds. Lacy's father, Lee Lacy, is a former Major League Baseball player. She has two brothers, Eric and Michael. She played for Beijing Shougang in China during the 2008-09 WNBA off-season.[1] Lacy was uninjured after being allegedly attacked by her ex-girlfriend Chamique Holdsclaw.[2] [edit] Notes 1.^ Offseason 2008-09: Overseas Roster 2.^ Provano, Joel. "Arrest warrant issued for ex-basketball star Chamique Holdsclaw". Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved 11/15/2012. [edit] External links WNBA Profile [show] v · t · e Tulsa Shock – current roster · · · · · · · · · · · : ·: · : · · · · · ·: · · · · · [show] v · t · e Phoenix Mercury 2007 WNBA Champions · · · · · · · · · · · [show] v · t · e Atlanta Dream 2008 Inaugural Season · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · This biographical article relating to United States women's basketball is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. · · View page ratings Rate this page What's this? Trustworthy Objective Complete Well-written I am highly knowledgeable about this topic (optional) Submit ratings Categories: 1983 births Living people American women's basketball players American expatriate basketball people in China Atlanta Dream players Pepperdine Waves women's basketball players Phoenix Mercury players Small forwards Tulsa Shock players LGBT basketball players United States women's basketball biography stubs Create account Log in Article Talk Read Edit View history Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact Wikipedia Toolbox Print/export Languages Deutsch Italiano This page was last modified on 16 November 2012 at 07:25. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Jeremy Renner hosts tonight's 'Saturday Night Live': Talk about it here!

he last time a fair-haired actor best known for his onscreen intensity made his SNL hosting debut, things didn’t turn out so well. Daniel Craig was game but never fully comfortable on Saturday Night Live, and the material he was given — a weirdly un-topical set of sketches about construction workers, a space mission, and Fred Armisen in a skirt — didn’t help matters. So is Jeremy Renner, a similarly serious star, destined to deliver a similarly underwhelming performance? Even though Renner’s SNL promos were pretty rote, I’m going to give the Oscar nominee the benefit of the doubt. His skills as an impressionist are untested, but he’s given witty performances in action movies like The Avengers and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol – and Renner also told EW earlier this week that he’s planning to follow advice given to him by SNL pro (and his co-star in The Town) Jon Hamm. I can’t think of a better Saturday Night Live role model, unless Renner also consulted with Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. The burden on Renner may also be lessened by the presence of another SNL guest: Adam Levine, who’s on tap to perform with his band Maroon 5. It’s a given that likeable, charismatic Levine will appear in a sketch or two, as he did when his band played the show last year; if Andy Samberg shows up for a cameo, Levine could even treat us to a sequel to the 2007 Digital Short “Iran So Far.” Or maybe he’ll appear in a send-up of American Horror Story, which could be a great complement to last week’s hilarious Homeland sketch. Then again, how do you spoof something that’s already as over-the-top as AHS? EW Daily Poll: Will you see 'Lincoln'? What are you hoping to see on tonight’s show — an extended Breaking Dawn — Part 2 parody starring Bill Hader as Robert Pattinson and Cecily Strong as Kristen Stewart? (Please, world, make this happen.) A soap operatic sketch about the Petreus scandal? A bit that forces Renner to wear a dress? (I’ve got a funny feeling that the last one’s inevitable.) Discuss in the comments below, and check back tomorrow morning for a full recap

No. 2 Oregon shocked in overtime

The No. 13 Cardinal, devastated by losses to Oregon the past two seasons, upset the No. 2-ranked Ducks 17-14 in overtime on Saturday night. LATEST ON THE BCS •How high did Notre Dame climb? •Analysis: Don't worry, Oregon •Full BCS standings The loss denied Oregon a chance to clinch the Pac-12 North's spot in the conference championship game. It also undermined a direct path to the BCS championship game. ''As I told our guys, we don't get a trophy for this game,'' Stanford coach David Shaw said. ''All we did was put ourselves in a good position and no we have to go play a really good UCLA team next week.'' Stanford players rushed the field after Jordan Williamson's 37-yard field goal in overtime to win it. If both Stanford and Oregon win in their final games next weekend, both will finish with one conference loss, which means Stanford will win the head-to-head matchup and go to the Pac-12 championship for a chance to play in the Rose Bowl. After winning its fifth straight, Stanford (9-2, 7-1) goes to No. 17 UCLA, which defeated No. 18 USC 38-28 earlier in the day to claim the Pac-12 South. Oregon (10-1, 7-1) will play Oregon State in the annual Civil War rivalry game in Corvallis. A Stanford victory could set up a rematch with UCLA the next week in Northern California. If UCLA and Oregon win, the Pac-12 championship game will be in Eugene. ''I told those guys that it's tough, things aren't always going to go your way. That's life. That's football'' coach Chip Kelly said after the game. ''I don't fault them for their effort. It hurts so bad because they invested so much as a group. `' 2012 COLLEGE FOOTBALL •Scoreboard | Full schedule •Updated standings | Stats | Polls •On TV: FOX College Football •Charles Davis' Power Rankings •Are you one our of FOXiest fans? •Latest photo galleries | Video •Uniforms | Cheerleaders | Fans •Local | CFN | Athlon | YardBarker The loss snapped a 13-game winning streak for the Ducks, which was the longest in the nation coming into Saturday. Oregon's loss, coupled with No. 2 Kansas State's 52-24 loss to Baylor, means third-ranked Notre Dame is now the lone unbeaten team in the race for the BCS title game. Kansas State and Oregon were the 1-2 teams in the BCS standings. The Fighting Irish control their national championship run, with No. 4 Alabama and a couple of other Southeastern Conference teams also in the thick of it. Oregon was the only Pac-12 team that Stanford hadn't defeated over the past two seasons. Last year, Stanford was ranked No. 3 and looking toward its own national championship bid with quarterback Andrew Luck when then-No. 6 Oregon visited Palo Alto and emerged with a 53-30 victory. Running back LaMichael James, who would join Luck's NFL draft class in the spring, ran for 146 yards and three touchdowns. The year before, Oregon defeated the Cardinal and Luck 52-31 in an early October hurdle en route to an undefeated regular season and an appearance in the BCS title game against Auburn. ''They beat us last year when we were knocking on the door. So it feels kind of good to get that feeling back,'' Stanford tight end Zach Ertz said. In both seasons, Oregon went on to win the conference titles. The Ducks have won three straight Pac-12 championships. BLOODY GOOD See the best action photos from each week of the 2012 college football season. ''It hurts, it really does, but the guys in the locker room have done a good job of helping me keep my head up,'' Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota said. ''It's not an easy one to swallow but there's another game on the horizon.'' Redshirt freshman Kevin Hogan threw for 211 yards and a game-tying fourth-quarter touchdown for Stanford, while Stepfan Taylor rushed for 161 yards on 33 carries. Down 14-7, Stanford went for it on fourth-and-1 on the Oregon 12 with 2:17 left in regulation and Ryan Hewitt ran two yards for the first down. Hogan hit Ertz with a 10-yard scoring pass to tie it at 14 with 1:35 to go. Ertz fought to gain control of the ball with a defender as he fell to the turf on top of a Ducks player. The play was initially ruled incomplete, but a video review overturned it for the game-tying touchdown. ''I knew I caught it, I just wasn't sure if I was inbounds or not. The ball bounced my way. It was a great play call by the coaches,'' Ertz said. Despite a pass interference call that gave them a crucial first down, the Ducks were forced to punt on the ensuing series and Stanford took over with 36 seconds to go and the game went to overtime. Alejandro Maldonado missed a 41-yard field goal for the Ducks to open the extra period before Williamson's game winner. The Cardinal had the nation's best run defense going into the game, allowing an average of just 54.8 yards a game. Oregon, meanwhile, had the country's third-best rushing offense, averaging 325 yards a game. Stanford held Ducks running back Kenjon Barner, who was averaging 136 yards rushing a game, to just 66 yards. The Ducks managed only 198 yards on the ground. Oregon's top rusher was Mariota, who ran for 89 yards. The redshirt freshman who had been getting Heisman buzz, threw for 207 yards and a touchdown. Stanford stuffed what appeared to be a sure first-quarter Oregon touchdown drive when Mariota took off on a 77-yard keeper to the Stanford 15. But the Ducks couldn't get much closer, and Stanford got the stop when Oregon went for it on fourth-and-2 on the Cardinal 7. Stanford scored first on Hogan's 1-yard plow into the end zone early in the second quarter, but Oregon answered with Mariota's 28-yard touchdown pass to Keanon Lowe to tie it at 7-all. Oregon extended its lead to 14-7 on De'Anthony Thomas' 6-yard scoring run in the third quarter, but missed a chance when Maldonado's 42-yard field goal attempt went wide right. Williamson missed a 43-yard field goal attempt for Stanford early in the fourth quarter. The Ducks went into the game hurting on defense after a 59-17 victory over California last weekend. Oregon was without free safety Avery Patterson seriously injured his left knee in the second quarter and is believed to be out for the rest of the season. Patterson had taken over as starter for senior John Boyett, whose career at Oregon ended earlier this season when he needed surgery on both knees. Starting nose guard Wade Keliikipi did not play. Because the Ducks do not disclose injuries, there was also uncertainty about the secondary, leading to speculation that the team might use Lowe or even multi-purpose sophomore back Thomas on defense. But they did not. ''One thing we take pride in is we don't make excuses,'' Kelly said. ''The No. 1 stuff and the injury stuff everybody else has to deal with, so we don't make excuses. Stanford played better than us tonight and they won the football game.''

McKayla Rose Maroney

McKayla Rose Maroney (born December 9, 1995) is an American artistic gymnast. She was a member of the gold medal-winning US Women's Gymnastics team at the 2012 Summer Olympics. She is also the 2011 world vault champion and 2012 Olympic vault silver medalist. [edit] Personal life McKayla Maroney was born on December 9, 1995 to Mike and Erin Maroney; her father was a quarterback at Purdue University, and her mother was involved in figure skating and high school sports. She is Irish-Catholic.[4] She has two siblings, Tarynn and Kav, and is home schooled in order to train as an elite gymnast.[5] "When I was younger," Maroney said. "I would be watching Tarzan and running around on all fours. My mom was like 'I need to put this child in gymnastics. She's crazy.'"[6] "I was technically in gymnastics at the age of 2 and always felt comfortable in the gym."[7] When Maroney was nine years old she moved clubs to train at Gym-Max in Costa Mesa, California. She said, "I realized that I had a dream that I wanted to go to the Olympics and I wanted to go as far as I could go. I thought I should probably move to a new gym and start thinking about the Olympics."[6] About her first Olympic memory, she said, "I remember watching Carly Patterson. She was one of my favorites. I loved her floor routine. I went to Olympic Trials that year (2004) with Kyla. I remember seeing the gymnasts on the floor and I loved all of their leotards. I thought they were so little and so amazing. I thought, how am I going to stay this little? I was worried that I was going to be really tall because my dad is 6'3" and my mom is 5'2", so I didn’t know which one I was going to be."[8] [edit] Junior career [edit] 2009 In August, Maroney competed at the Visa Championships in Dallas, Texas. She placed twenty-seventh in the all around with a two day combined score of 104.800[9] and third in the vault final with a score of 29.900[10] When asked about the first time she performed an Amanar in competition, Maroney said, "The first time I did it was at Visa Championships and I was just thirteen years old. I was just really little and I didn't really know what was going on. But I just did it, and I was just very happy that I landed on my feet."[11] [edit] 2010 In the spring, Maroney moved gyms to train at All Olympia Gymnastics Center in Los Angeles, California with Artur Akopyan and Galina Marinova.[citation needed] In July, Maroney competed at the CoverGirl Classic in Chicago, Illinois. She placed seventh in the all around competition with a score of 55.650.[12] In August, Maroney competed at the Visa Championships in Hartford, Connecticut. She placed third in the all around competition with a two day combined score of 113.250.[13] In event finals, she placed first on vault scoring 32.000, seventh on balance beam scoring 27.850, and fourth on floor scoring 28.400.[14] In September, Maroney competed at the Pan American Championships in Guadalajara, Mexico. She contributed a vault score of 15.933, a balance beam score of 13.866, and a floor score of 14.500 towards the American team's first place finish.[15] In event finals, she placed first on vault with a score of 15.387[16] and first on floor with a score of 14.225.[17] [edit] Senior career [edit] 2011 In March, Maroney competed at the City of Jesolo Trophy in Jesolo, Italy. She won the all-around competition with a score of 57.850.[18] In July, Maroney competed at the CoverGirl Classic in Chicago, Illinois. She placed sixth on balance beam scoring 14.550 and fifth on floor scoring 13.450.[19] In August, Maroney competed at the Visa Championships in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She placed second in the all-around competition with a two day combined score of 115.150[20] In event finals, she placed first on vault scoring 30.700, seventh on balance beam scoring 27.650, and fifth on floor scoring 28.150.[21] In October, Maroney competed at the 2011 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Tokyo, Japan. She contributed a vault score of 16.033 and a floor score of 14.566 towards the American team's first place finish.[22] Maroney won the vault final with a score of 15.300.[23] She told International Gymnast Magazine, "For every competition, I just went in there with confidence in myself and in my team, and each day it felt like I gained more and more experience."[24] [edit] 2012 Maroney at the 2012 Secret U.S. Classic. Maroney upgraded her second vault to a Mustafina (round-off, half-on, full-twisting front layout). "I've done it at two (U.S. team training) camps so far, and it's going pretty well," Maroney said.[25] Her first vault is still an Amanar. In March, Maroney competed at the City of Jesolo Trophy in Jesolo, Italy. She placed fourth in the all around competition with a score of 57.950.[26] In May, Maroney competed at the Secret U.S. Classic in Chicago, Illinois. She placed first on vault with a score of 16.100 and tenth on balance beam with a score of 13.800.[27] In June, Maroney competed at the Visa Championships in St. Louis, Missouri. After the first day of competition, she was placed seventh in the all around with a score of 58.700.[28] During warmups for the second day of competition, she fell on a tumbling pass on floor landing on her back. Maroney was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a minor concussion and nasal fracture. She took a week off from training[29] and successfully petitioned to compete at the Olympic Trials.[30] At the beginning of July, Maroney competed at the Olympic Trials in San Jose, California. After the first day of competition she said, "I'm thankful that I'm even here. I knew I had to hit vault because it's the most important event for me to make the Olympic team."[31] She placed seventh in the all around with a two day combined score of 117.650.[32] In event finals, she placed first on vault scoring 31.700 and fifth on floor scoring 29.700.[33] Afterwards, Maroney was chosen as a member of the team that was sent to the 2012 Summer Olympics. She said, "This is the best feeling – it's just so amazing. I'm in shock right now. I think this will be the happiest I'll ever be in my life. It's the absolute best feeling knowing that I trained so hard for this and all the hard things that I have accomplished and now to be on this team. These girls are my best friends. My team mate Kyla Ross, we have been best friends since we were six years old so it's just absolutely amazing to be going to the Olympics."[29] When asked about feeling pressure to win gold on vault at the Olympics, she replied, "If I do my job I know I can get the gold medal. That's what they picked me to be on the team for, so I need to be confident about that."[8] Maroney was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the rest of the USA Women's Olympic Gymnastics team on the July 18, 2012 issue of "Olympic Preview". This marked the first time an entire Olympic gymnastics team had been featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated.[34] [edit] London Olympics At the end of July, Maroney competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, United Kingdom. During training she aggravated a previous bone break in the big toe of her right foot but she still competed on vault, though she did not take part in the floor routine as she had hoped. "Bad things happen, you just have to make the best of it," Maroney said. "It does hurt. It’s broken. How is it not going to hurt? I just try to ignore it and I have worked so hard to be here I can ignore the pain for a little bit." [35] She helped the American team qualify in first place,[36] and individually qualified in first place to the vault final with a score of 15.800.[37] Along with Jordyn Wieber, she is credited for changing the team's nickname from the "Fab Five" to the "Fierce Five". While on the bus to a training session, they decided to change the name because the "Fab Five" was already used for a basketball team associated with the University of Michigan basketball scandal as well as being associated with the musical group Duran Duran. They started searching on their phones for words that started with 'F' that described the team. The top choices were feisty and fierce. Maroney and Wieber opted for "fierce", as they said it described their floor routines, and the rest of the team concurred.[38] In the team final, she contributed a vault score of 16.233 toward the American team's first place finish,[39] which was the highest score in the competition. She also scored an execution average of 9.733, the highest execution score at an Olympics under the new scoring system for women's gymnastics.[40] About the rest of the team final, Maroney said, "I just wanted them to do so well and I'm just so proud of them. I was screaming and yelling. That last event on floor was really exhilarating, but amazing at the same time. I don't think I will ever, ever forget that."[41] In the vault final, Maroney won a silver medal with a score of 15.083. She performed an Amanar for her first vault but fell on her second, a Mustafina. This fall ended her thirty three vault hitting streak in competition.[42] Even with the fall, Maroney still came in second.[43] She said, "I didn't get my full block, my hands didn't really touch the vault. I still walked out with a silver medal and I'm happy about that. I'll have to watch the video and figure out what happened. It's really sad that I had to fall on that vault but I'm glad I won a silver medal. I know I can do better vaults but I also know I didn't deserve the gold medal because I fell on my second vault. It happens. It's gymnastics. You can't always be perfect. Sometimes things don't go as planned."[44] [edit] "McKayla is not impressed" During the medal ceremony, Maroney gave a brief look of disappointment with her lips pursed to the side, and the image quickly became associated with an Internet meme called "McKayla is not impressed".[45][46] Maroney has stated she finds it "really funny."[47] Maroney poked fun at the meme when she and the rest of the U.S. Gymnastics team met United States President Barack Obama at the White House in November 2012. She and Obama posed for a photo together, both making the same pursed-lips expression.[48] [edit] Post-Olympics In September, Maroney was injured during an uneven bars dismount while performing at the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions in Ontario, California. An MRI revealed that she had fractured the tibia in her left leg. It is unknown when and in what capacity she will return to the tour.[49] The injury occurred shortly before teammate Aly Raisman injured herself performing on the same bars.[50] On September 13, 2012, Maroney had two screws inserted to repair the fractured left tibia. She'll wear an immobilizer to keep the leg straight until doctors determine she's ready to resume limited walking and rebuilding range of motion.[51] Maroney returned to The Kellogg's Tour on October 4, 2012 in Oklahoma City on light duty. She was seen during the finale wearing her leg and foot splints and also at the VIP Meet and Greet session after the event.[citation needed] Maroney will make her acting debut in the CW television series Hart of Dixie this fall. She will play Tonya, a friend of Rose's.[52]

UFC 154 play by play and live results

To discuss tonight's show, be sure to check out our UFC 154 discussion thread. You can also get behind-the-scenes coverage and other event notes from on-site reporters Steven Marrocco (@MMAjunkieSteven) and Ben Fowlkes (@benfowlkesmma) on Twitter. Enjoy the fights, everyone. * * * * * DARREN ELKINS VS. STEVEN SILER Round 1 - Referee Marc-Andre Cote refs this featherweight fight. Elkins leads with a jab, and they trade early. Siler favors a few hooks, but gets tagged on the counter. Elkins resets and advances while taking a leg kick. Counter brings landed shot for Elkins, who's doing well on the back end of exchanges. Elkins charges and the two hit the cage. Knees from Elkins. Siler works to escape but is stuffed. More knees land in close for Elkins, and he grabs a body lock for a takedown. Siler passes to side guard, but adjustment puts him in Siler's guard. Elkins postures up and fires down a punch, then stands overhead and lands a few more bombs. Siler misses upkick and gives up side mount briefly. Elkins back in half-guard, headlocks Siler's neck. Let's it go, and more ground and pound from Elkins. Siler kicks free and stands, but Elkins grabs him and takes him back to mat. Siler kicks off a punch and hints at triangle, and Elkins grabs his neck in a scramble. A few rolls, and Elkins still has the headlock. A few beats, and he lets it go as 10-second clapper sounds. A punch up top for Elkins ends the frame, which MMAjunkie.com scores 10-9 for Elkins. Round 2 - Siler advances with a lower stance, and paws a jab. Elkins combo misses. Siler plants for a leg kick, and Elkins springs for takedown. Again, Elkins postures up and throws a few bombs. Siler kicks him off, but he's back in. Another sequence of the same, and Elkins takes the back as Siler attempts to right himself. He's got the position, but Siler escapes. They're up against the cage with Elkins working punches, and the two sink back to the mat. Hand-fighting. Elkins winging punches, and Siler attempting to defend from both choke and strikes. He wings an elbow and punch backward. 1:45 to go. Elkins adjusts and lands more punches. He goes palm-to-palm and then adjusts for rear-naked, but Siler gives thumbs up. His face is turning beet-red from the punches Elkins is landing at his back. 30 seconds left, and Elkins not only has choke position but body triangle. Somehow, Siler is not going out. Quite impressive, but this round is all Elkins for another 10-9 score. 20-18 Elkins. Round 3 - A marked-up Siler lands a jab, and Elkins swings wild in response. No more kicks from Siler. The two trade jabs. Elkins ducks down and Siler misses a knee. Elkins' still swinging with big punches, but missing more. Siler finds mark with a combo. But when he leaps in with a knee, Elkins once again grabs him and takes him to the mat. Elkins stands overhead at cage, but this time, Siler uses links to stand, taking a knee to the body in the process. Elkins wants him back down, but peels off, the two exchanging a punch on the back end. Right hook for Elkins lands. Elkins shoots from the open and is initially stuffed, but adjusts, changes angles and gets it done. Elkins in guard again working big shots from up top. Two minutes left. Elkins passes to half-guard and grabs Siler's head again. Let's it go. Siler working high guard, and a few punches. Locks in rubber guard. Elkins is unimpressed and stands overhead. Siler rolls free when he misses from up top. Elkins ducks under Siler's first punch and takes them back down. He's on Siler's back at the cage edge. Silers turns to him and takes a shot as Elkins retreats. Siler with a combo, and immediately a takedown attempt. He stuffs it with headlock, and audience senses a possible submission. No dice, and round ends with another 10-9 tally for Elkins, who sweeps it 30-27. Darren Elkins def. Steven Siler via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) AZAMAT GASHIMOV VS. IVAN MENJIVAR Round 1 - Referee Phillippe Chartier oversees this bantamweight bout. Menjivar paws at the very bouncy Gashimov. They trade early and Menjivar lands to the body. He misses big follow up hook, and Gashimov shoots under for a takedown, getting it after a brief struggle. Gashimov in Menjivar's guard, and the UFC vet attempts to tie him up. Gashimov postures and Menjivar works for armbar, nearly getting slammed. Gashimov barely avoids upkick on way back down, and we're back in the same position. Gashimov works arm triangle from guard, but doubtful he'll get that. Body-body head for Gashimov. Menjivar grabs a leg and sweeps directly into a belly-down armbar. Gashimov is tapping long before the out of position referee sees it. The official time of the 2:44 of the first frame. Ivan Menjivar def. Azamat Gashimov via submission (armbar) - Round 1, 2:44 JOHN MAGUIRE VS. MATT RIDDLE Round 1 - Referee Yves Lavigne third man in cage for this welterweight fight. Southpaw fight gets started slowly. Maguire in with a kick. Riddle returns with a jab. Riddle lands big right that knocks Maguire off balance. Body kick from Riddle. Maguire in with a two-punch combo. Riddle counters on next attempt and lands. Another glancing body kick for Riddle, who deflects kick and counters on next exchange. Riddle jabs in. Right hand lands big for Maguire. Riddle's body kick caught. Sneaky right for Riddle. A lot of fits and starts in first round, not much big. Left hand for Riddle lands. Riddle launches back leg at Maguire when his other one is caught. Audience loves that. Maguire still unfazed. Riddle tries the same back kick when next leg kick is caught and takes a few punches when Maguire adjusts. They hit the cage, and Riddle is hinting at takedown. Maguire grabs a collar tie as they walk across octagon and lets it go. Back to sparring. Riddle blocks takedown attempt. Maguire with straight left into clinch, gets pushed away when he leaps with knee. Maguire changing levels a lot, but so far, he's not getting to Riddle's legs. Round ends with a whimper, but it goes to Riddle, 10-9. Round 2 - Riddle misses counter on first exchange. Maguire with big leg kick. Riddle presses in with a hook. Front kick for Riddle. Maguire with another leg kick. Big left for Maguire on two-punch combo. Riddle advances to counter. They wind up clinched at cage with Riddle working the knees. Riddle peels off, and we're back in open range. Misses for both. Neither fighter committing much to combinations. Two nice lefts from Maguire who's suddenly lighting Riddle up. But when he kicks, Riddle catches it and puts him on the mat. Riddle pauses, then throws down a big punch. Riddle working around Maguire's outstretched legs. He flops into guard, and it's body-body-head time. Maguire with butterfly guard lifts him off, and Lavigne stands them up at Riddle's behest. Maguire presses to the cage and lets his hands go, but Riddle catches him again and pushes him to the cage. Maguire pushes him off and lands a leg kick. Right hand lead hook lands for Riddle. Another right for Maguire, who catches Riddle's neck when he pitches forward. Riddle escapes and lets him off cage. The two go toe to toe against the cage, with Maguire countering and landing just a bit better. Crowd loves it. Riddle touches gloves at the round's end. MMAjunkie.com scores the frame 10-9 for Maguire. Round 3 - Riddle advances with a jab to the body. Nice counter hook off the jab for Riddle. Jab lands for Riddle. Maguire backs off a flurry and resets. Maguire punches into a clinch and lands a right hand that gets Riddle's attention. They exchange hard jabs. Riddle backs him against cage, but we don't get a slugfest. Kick to the body for Riddle. Riddle counters leg kick with punch, and he's on the move. They both miss in follow up exchanges. Maguire with that left hand again. Riddle jab keeps him back. Leg kick for Maguire. And for Riddle, who next goes to the body. He's got the center of the cage far more in this round. Maguire still looking for that big left as Riddle diddles. Riddle corners him and lands a nice combo. Maguire shoots and gets stuffed against the cage. Riddle hoists for a takedown and knees the legs when Maguire denies. Double undercooks for Riddle. Less than a minute to go. Lavigne calls for action. Riddle misses a trip, and then suddenly peels off. Maguire lands jab and gets waved in by Riddle, who shoots in for a takedown. Maguire grabs his neck and rolls for a guillotine, but by the time he's rolled Riddle, the round is kaput. Very close round, but Riddle gets it 10-9 for a 29-28 win. Matthew Riddle def. John Maguire via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) ANTONIO CARVALHO VS. RODRIGO DAMM Round 1 - Dan Miragliotta oversees this featherweight bout. Touch of gloves and we're underway. Slow start. Carvalho inching in, gets a jab from Damm, who feints before unloading a combo. Carvalho kicks the leg after punches meet air. Carvalho lands a leg kick. A lot of staring. Carvalho kicks the leg as Damm punches. Again, Damm shoves in and gets kicked in the leg. They trade inside leg kicks. Carvalho smacks Damm with outside kick. Some of crowd chants "GSP." Damm with good leg kick. And Carvalho. A lot of staring, though. Another hard leg kick for Damm, who closes and lands his own leg kick before getting slapped with another. Neither guy letting his hands go. Both tentative and relying on leg kicks, half of which don't land. Another trade of leg kicks. Carvalho goes up high but gets blocked. His follow up punches miss. Carvalho with that left hook and leg combo again. Nice leg kick counter to Damm's combo. Carvalho catches a jab, seemingly wakes up, and starts turning up the tempo. But the round is over. What little action seen goes to Carvalho for the 10-9 score. Round 2 - Another 20 seconds, and we've just seen a few leg kicks. Carvalho misses high kick, prompting a few aaahs. They trade leg kicks. Another high kick blocked for Carvalho. He lands to the leg, but audience is losing patience. High kick for Carvalho glances. A lot of feints from Damm, and he jabs in. Carvalho resets. Carvalho trips on high kick attempt, and Damm attempts to leap onto his back. Instead, they tumble over each other and wind up back on their feet. Carvalho offers a glove. And more kicks from both. Damm's jab hook combo misses. Carvalho's high kick blocked. Damm punches in, but hits air. They trade leg kicks. Losing the crowd, and fast. Carvalho's high kicks are so telegraphed they're blocked every time. Damm lands a punch off a leg kick. The Brazilian punches in, but Carvalho avoids and resets. Front kick from Carvalho misses. Damm just pulled his own punch. Carvalho's nose is bleeding slightly. Nice left counter from Damm. Then Carvalho lands a nice right hand in the middle of an exchange. Another round in the books, and MMAjunkie.com gives a slight edge to Carvalho, 10-9 for a 20-18 score. Round 3 - First 30 seconds of third go much the same as the first two. Damm breaks the monotony with a leg pick, but Carvalho is hip to it. Carvalho is working that lead leg high kick. Damm inching forward with jabs. Now the entire crowd is booing. And who can blame them? Aside from a few leg kicks, they're canceling each other out. Out of nowhere, Carvalho drops his mouthpiece and signals to Miragliotta. This does not impress the audience. We're back, and Damm lands a nice right hand to end a combo of pressing jabs. They trade leg kicks, and both land shots in the subsequent exchange. Nice left from Damm against a bobbing Carvalho. Nice body shot for Damm. But Carvalho counters with a two-shot combo that backs him off. Leg kick for Carvalho, who better times his next head kick. Still, it's picked off. Less than a minute to go, and we're pretty much where we started at the beginning of all this. Carvalho still working that head kick, but it's blocked. He checks a leg kick, and Damm resets. Carvalho lands a two-shot combo and leaps in with a knee after hearing the 10-second clapper, but nothing doing in a dud of a fight. Damm takes it 10-9 on MMAjunkie.com scorecard, but Carvalho should pick the fight up 29-28. Antonio Carvalho def. Rodrigo Damm via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28) JOHN MAKDESSI VS. SAM STOUT Round 1 - Referee Marc-Andre Cote in charge of this lightweight contest. Touch of gloves, and Makdessi immediately to work with kicks. Stout advances and throws a one-two. Next tries are blocked. Makdessi goes with a nice left hand counter to Stout's combo. Stout counters a leg kick. Nice jab for Makdessi. Glancing leg kick from Stout. Stout goes with wild hook and gets popped by short counter from Makdessi. Stout changes levels and attacks the body. Nice leg kick from Stout. Side kick from Makdessi, and a nice jab to keep Stout away. Makdessi circling Stout, who's looking for a way in. Nice short left from Makdessi as Stout charges. Switching stances is Makdessi. Nice punch off kick for "The Bull." Jab guts there, too. Stout charges but Makdessi plays matador. Nice jab from Makdessi. Stout's face is reddening. Nice rig hand from Stout, and he tries to finish with a takedown. No dice. He jabs in after eating one. Big wild right hand from Stout gets a tight one-two. He digs to the body. Stout, though, is missing a lot. Makdessi lands a spinning back kick. Makdessi winning the war of counters. Stout is aggressive, but less effectively so. First round ends, and MMAjunkie.com gives it 10-9 to Makdessi. Round 2 - Stout charging ahead as Makdessi again works a side kick. Leg kick from Stout is caught. Makdessi counters again. Body shot lands for Stout, but he eats a counter to the dome for it. Reset. Stout changes levels. Makdessi with body kick. Nice jab for Makdessi. Stout missing with big right off jabs. Dual body shots for Stout. He's certainly winning the colume game, here. He shoots from open and briefly gets Makdessi to the mat, but they're both up in a sec. Head kick grazes Makdessi's face. Body kick for Stout. Makdessi's attempts at same are blocked. Stout nice with a one-two counter. But Makdessi pops him with a jab. High pace in this fight. Nice jab for Stout. Makdessi kicks to the body. Stout still pressing forward as Makdessi looks for the counter. Will be interesting to see how judges score this. Makdessi scores with a big one-two off a counter, but Stout is unrattled. Stout lands a nice right hand. Stout leads to the body and takes a jab. He grabs a leg, but after dragging Makdessi around the cage still can't get things down. Left counter from Makdessi seals the round. MMAjunkie.com scores the second frame 10-9 for Makdessi. Round 3 - Stout eats a jab but avoids a spinning kick from "The Bull." Two-part kick frm Makdessi. A spinning hook kick nearly gets Stout. Jabs for Stout land. Stout leads to the body. Still an insane pace for the two. Makdessi countering with jab, then lands a nice left hook. He catches a kick and makes Stout pay again. Stout to the body. Stout chases Makdessi, who circles off. Stout runs straight into a left hand. Makdessi with a slick head kick in transition. Stout still coming forward. Of the two, though, he looks worse for the wear. He's eating two to give one. Jab stops his attack. For a second…he's still chasing. A takedown attempt misses. Makdessi expertly playing matador here. Nice bob and counter jab for Makdessi, who's just a bit faster than Stout in every exchange. Stout is making up for it with aggression and volume, but the points are going mostly to Makdessi. A low kick briefly pauses us. Stout charges in again and easts a jab. Stout tries to go with a knee this time and then shoots unsuccessfully again. He's charging and throwing punch after punch after punch that mostly miss. MMAjunkie.com scores the round 10-9 for Makdessi, who should take this 30-27. John Makdessi def. Sam Stout via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27) CYRILLE DIABATE VS. CHAD GRIGGS Round 1 - Referee Marc-Andre Cote refs this light heavyweight, which serves as Griggs 205 debut. Griggs staking in off the bat and meets a knee. Then he leaps in with a kick and gets countered with a shot that takes him off his feet. Diabate gets on top and stuffs Griggs as he tries to get up. But Griggs keeps powering and gets up. Diabate grabs his waist and yanks him back down. Crowd has awoken. Diabate working in half-guard as Griggs uses cage to push up. He gets to his knees and keeps his hands on the mat for a short bit, but takes a knee when his hands come off. Diabate lands a few illegal shots prompting a complaint from Griggs, who powers Diabate to the mat in a subsequent drive. They recover to their feet, where Griggs drives for a takedown. Problem is, he's not facing Diabate fully, and falls, literally, right into back control. Diabate has to do little but secure hooks and the arm-triangle, which he does for a tappout at the 2:24 mark of the first frame. Cyrille Diabate def. Chad Griggs via submission (rear-naked choke) - Round 1, 2:24 PATRICK COTE VS. ALESSIO SAKARA Round 1 - Referee Dan Miragliotta the third man in cage for this middleweight fight. Cote leads with inside kick. He's jabbing in and lands to the body. Another inside kick. Right hand meets counter. Jab for Sakara. Cote misses combo and tumbles off. Cote lands big in close and Skaraa is looking tio counter. Dirty boxing against knees. Elbows from Sakara roc Cote and he's against the cage. Cote is down, and Sakara is throwing hammerfists to the head, most of which look illegal. Cote loses consciousness a third of the way into the assault, and Miragliotta intervenes. Boos from the audience, and even more when the replay shows most of the finishing shots were illegal. After an extended meeting between referee and UFC officials, Cote is determined as the winner by disqualification at the 1:26 mark of the round. Patrick Cote def. Alessio Sakara via DQ (strikes to back of head) - Round 1, 1:26 MARK HOMINICK VS. PABLO GARZA Round 1 - Referee Marc-Andre Cote is the referee for this featherweight fight. Hominick comes right at Garza, who immediately starggers him with a left hand. Hominick comes forward and eats kicks from the ling-limbed fighter. Garza with shot to the body. He's sniping as Hominick chases. More kicks for Garza, who's briefly pinned against the cage. Hominick is looking for the big shot and taking a jot of blows. But he finally opens up and…meets glove. Garza escapes and fires back. Hominick back in, and he eats a jab. Garza circles away and lands a leg kick. Hominick eats a knee as he comes in with his head lowered. Reach is killing Hominick here. A right hand hurts Garza, but he recovers and lets more kicks go. He grabs a clinch and Hominick tosses them to the mat. Garza gets an armbar, but Hominick picks him up and wiggles out of it. From there, he lands big shot from up top. Garza kicks off and Hominick escapes. Leaping knee from Garza, and Hominick goes with the jab again. Garza attacking body. Then Hominick drops him with a body shot and lands a knee in transiting. Uppercut looks like it hurt Hominick's eye. Garza on the assault now in the crazy round. Hominick's left eye is a mess, and Garza is unloading against the cage. Round ends with a cloud of smoke from the wild swings in action. MMAjunkie.com scores the frame 10-9 for Hominick for dropping Garza. Round 2 - That left eye is swelling, and Garza launches a spinning skink. Hominick attacks the body again, and Garza tries the same. Charging leg kick for Garza. Hominick working his boxing. Garza shoots for a takedown and Hominick rolls, but Garza winds up on top in Hominick's guard. Finally, the action slows. Garza posturing as Hominick looks for an armbar. Garza with a few shots from up top. Hominick angles for a leg, and Garza pushes them to the edge of the cage. He lands elbows from up top. Garza's length makes it easy for him to hit the head while still pressed against Hominick's torso. Hominick trying to tie things up. Garza stands and unloads heavy punches that damage. Hominick scrambles and almost grabs a leg. But Garza is having his way, and Hominick is getting battered. Again, Hominick tries to snag a leg, and the crowd chants his name. Garza is having none of it. His size is just too much to manipulate. Big elbow for Garza. Hominick's face swelling. Now he's tying up. But those elbows just keep coming. Ten seconds left, and the action is slowing. Round ends with a clear 10-9 in the corner of Garza, making the score even at 19-19. Round 3 - Hominick has cuts under both eyes now. Head kick leads for Garza. Hominick still jamming in. He's again meeting a whole lot of resistance from Garza, who's active with kicks and punches. Best shots so far have been to the body. Hominick corners him briefly and unloads after a takedown attempt. Garza charges and put the pair on the mat. And we're back to a very bad place for Hominick, who's eating more elbow sandwiches. He twice hoists his legs for an armbar, but Garza has his number. Three minutes left, and Garza stands. Hominick grabs a leg, preventing Garza from getting leverage to throw big shots. But when Garza returns to guard, he's got elbows all day. Next time he stands, big shots score. Elbows again. Garza briefly stands. Hominick kicks him off, and instantly, Garza chases down another takedown. You know what happens from here. Garza stands and lands big punches. Hominick grabs an arm but doesn't have enough leverage for the joint-lock. Garza raises his arms at the bell, and a very swollen Hominick heads to his corner. Another 10-9 for Garza, who should take this 29-28. Pablo Garza def. Mark Hominick via unanimous decision (29-27, 30-26, 29-28) MARK BOCEK VS. RAFAEL DOS ANJOS Round 1 - Referee Yves Lavigne is third man in the cage for this lightweight fight. Bocek is the offensive guy here, pressing in until the two meet the cage. Dos Anjos grabs a plumb and fires off a knee, which prompts a reply in kind before the two separate. Nice left hand for Dos Anjos on the break-off. Leg kick for the Brazilian. Dos Anjos goes high with kick as Bocek charges into the clinch. Bocek grabs a leg and throws a knee, prompting Dos Anjos to reset. Bocek on a single now, and nearly vaults Dos Anjos overhead. Dos Anjos grabs a plumb and lands some nice knees to break himself out of clinch purgatory. Lot of feints from Dos Anjos to keep Bocek guessing. Bocek plods forward. Uppercut lands in middle of combo for Dos Anjos. He misses with big uppercut. Bocetk trips on a high kick. He gets up and drives them to the cage, grabbling for a double leg. Dos Anjos stuffs it and attempts a switch knee. Overhand left for Dos Anjos. Leg kick prompts shot from Bocek, who's again ensnared in a plumb before changing levels for a leg. His drop to a knee doesn't faze Dos Anjos, who again spins out. A jumping front kick, and the two bump heads badly before resetting. First round goes to Dos Anjos 10-9 for takedown defense and superior striking. Round 2 - A leg kick lands for Dos Anjos, who subsequently takes a kick to the jewels. After a brief restert, Dos Anjos digs to the body. Bocek shoots and is repaid with a punch to the face. He adjusts and tries again against the fence, but instead winds up on bottom, where he takes a few shots. He springs up and tries for a kimura, but Dos Anjos drives him down. Dos Anjos has an arm now and goes from kimura to armbar, but Bocek defends and drives forward for a takedown. Again, he's stuffed, and Dos Anjos lands punches in transition. Dos Anjos now has a leg, but then peels off with a few punches. Bocek's left eye has taken a nasty shot and is closing. He shoots again but is dodged, and Dos Anjos retorts with his own takedown. He winds up at Bocek's back, where he flings a few hammerfists. Bocek has a hold of his arm, then rolls to his hands and knees. He's clinging to Dos Anjos's leg for dear life. Bocek stands and gets taken down in short order. He stands again and takes punches and elbows against the cage. When Dos Anjos peels off, he's a swollen mess. They trade kicks to end the round. MMAjunkie.com scores the second frame for Dos Anjos, 10-9, putting him ahead 20-18 on the scorecard. Round 3 - Bocek takes a kick and punch before landing a nice body kick to start final frame. Front kick from Dos Anjos, who's feinting and dodging takedown attempts. He shoots on his own and misses against the cage, and Bocek is now looking to take the fight down. Bocek scoops the legs, but Dos Anjos has a hand posted and rights himself. Big return punches from Dos Anjos, who hoists Bocek northward and dumps him. Dos Anjos works around to the cage, and Bocek wheels them around working for a kimura before they reset. Dos Anjos with leg kick. Right hand for Bocek. Dos Anjos jumps in with a knee to body. Dos Anjos comes out with another point in subsequent exchange. He falls in anticipation of another takedown, and Bocek drives again. Bocek grabs a leg and finds himself in another plumb eating knees in close. Lavigne separates them, and Dos Anjos charges with combo after combo. He's getting loose, not landing much, but compared to Bocek, he's looking a whole lot better. He gets wild with a spinning kick. Bocek evades and counters. A few indecisive exchanges end the fight. MMAjunkie.com scores the final frame 10-9 for Dos Anjos, who should take this 30-27. Tough night for Canadians so far. Rafael dos Anjos def. Mark Bocek via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) TOM LAWLOR VS. FRANCIS CARMONT Round 1 - Referee Phillippe Chartier is the referee for this middleweight fight. Lawlor immediately closing distance, and clinches up quick against cage. Carmont looking to prevent double undercooks, works for plumb and ties up and arm. Lawlor wings a punch with free arm, and Carmont knees. Lawlor has a leg and lifts, but Carmont is a big dude. Carmont gets a shot off close, but Lawlor won't give him space. A brief spin, and it's Lawlor pressing again. Chartier separates them and Carmont lands two heavy body kicks. Carmont pawing the jab. Lawlor tries to com over top, and then charges for a takedown. His trip misses, and he's working for a double against the cage. Carmont threatens with a kimura to reverse, and Lawlor peels out. Body kick from Carmont, and Lawlor charges again. Lawlor unsuccessful getting fight down, and we're in open range. Body kick for Carmont. Lawlor punches in and lands an uppercut. Carmont trying to corner Lawlor. Lawlor retreats. Carmont ducks under for a takedown, and Lawlor slaps on a guillotine choke. Carmont working Lawlor's legs to ease pressure. After a few tense seconds, it's clear Lawlor doesn't have the position, and Carmont frees himself. The round ends with that. MMAjunkie.com scores the round 10-9 for Lawlor. Round 2 - Lawlor pressing in again. Carmont doing a little voguing. Lawlor throws a right then dodges away. A straight left lands for filthy. Carmont misses with right hand but lands a heavy knee that backs Lawlor off. He's back in, and lands a straight left and goes for the clinch. Back against the cage, and Lawlor is driving for a takedown. He ain't got it, and peels off. Carmont's outstretched arms trying to keep distance, and he pays with a hard right hand. Carmont trying to corner Lawlor. Right hand counter lands for Carmont, but he's shoved back against fence. Crowd not liking this one bit. Lawlor gives space, and Carmont fires off a few shots. Lawlor ducks under and nabs the takedown. Against cage, he works punches from the top. Carmont rights himself and takes a few knees. Carmont tries to threaten with a kimura. Lawlor turns the corner and takes them to the mat. Carmont gets his legs up for a triangle, but Lawlor swings around to side control. When Carmont pitches forward, Lawlor goes with the guillotine again. And again, he doesn't have the leverage. Carmont escapes, postures up and fires down big shots before being kicked off as the bell sounds. Another round in the bag for Lawlor, 10-9, who improves his lead to 20-18. Round 3 - Probably the most punching yet between the two, with Carmont going with powerful kicks and Lawlor working his straight left. Carmont leaps with a knee and gets driven to the fence. Lawlor working a single-leg. Carmont fires back with a knee. Booing. Chartier separates them and Lawlor fires a few straight lefts. High kick from Carmont blocked. Carmont stalking in. Now working the jab as Lawlor presses. Carmont misses a shot and Lawlor ducks into the clinch, but no takedown attempts. Carmont fakes a level change and Lawlor takes it as a green light to press them into the cage. Carmont with short elbows to the bent-over Lawlor, who's now working a single. Carmont defends, and throws a knee. Another knee, and Lawlor drives. Carmont escapes and tries to set up a straight right. His outstretched arm is a distraction, but Lawlor gets around it with a right hand. Return kicks are blocked. Lawlor takes a leg kick. Lawlor gets a straight left. Nice body kick for Carmont. Left scores again for Lawlor, who presses to the fence. Carmont bucks him off briefly, but round ends with Lawlor in dominant position against cage. MMAjunkie.com scores the frame 10-9 for Lawlor, giving him the 30-27 decision. Francis Carmont def. Tom Lawlor via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28) JOHNY HENDRICKS VS. MARTIN KAMPMANN Round 1 - Referee Dan Miragliotta oversees this welterweight co-main event, which could determine next contender. Kampmann leads with head kick that's blocked. Hendricks blocks another. Then a series of fast rights from Hendricks, who meets glove on all before resetting. Body kick from Kampmann, which is blocked. A big right hand is followed by a left that drops Kampmann cold to the mat. Miragliotta is right on him, and that's the fight. Ladies and gentleman, Johny Hendricks, the next welterweight contender. The official time of stoppage is 0:46 seconds of the first round. Johny Hendricks def. Martin Kampmann via knockout (punch) - Round 1, 0:46 CHAMP GEORGES ST-PIERRE VS. INTERIM CHAMP CARLOS CONDIT Round 1 - Referee Yves Lavigne is third man in cage for this welterweight title unification fight. St-Pierre immediately pressing in. Leg kicks for the champ. Condit returns, circles off jab. Condit high kick blocked. St-Pierre closing again. A combo is blocked from the interim champ. St-Pierre pursues. Inside leg kick for champ. Condit front kick misses. Condit explodes with combo that's blocked. St-Pierre punch lands and COndit circles. St-Pierre lands a punch, then gets a single leg and puts Condit on the mat. St-Pierre postures and works a can opener. Condit angles for armbar, but St-Pierre is hip to that. Elbow for the champ. St-Pierre passes to half-guard. He postures up and lands a few shots. Another pass attempt is blocked. Still stuck in half0guard, and Condit recovers guard. Can opener for Condit, who angles legs for armbar. St-Pierre stands and lands a punch overhead. St-Pierre stands again and, well, does what he's best at. Condit isn't doing much to scramble, preferring to try submissions or throw punches. St-Pierre keeps him honest with a big shot overhead. Then returns to guard, where he lands elbows. Condit again agaigles for an arm, then threatens a leg to right himself. A cut has opened on Condit's right brow. MMAjunkie.com scores the first frame 10-9 for St-Pierre. Round 2 - St-Pierre back to his advance. Condit with inside kick. He thinks about a leaping knee but decides against it. A high kick is blocked. St-Pierre with straight jab. Combo from Condit blocked. St-Pierre tries front kick and misses with follow up high roundhouse. Condit with front kick. St-Pierre jabs. Straight right lands for the champ. One-two from Condit misses, and another. High kick from champ blocked. He's working to corner Condit. Nice jab for St-Pierre. St-Pierre takes a jab. Condit digs to the body. Condit leaps right into a one-two from St-Pierre. One-two from Condit misses. He telegraphs a high kick. St-Pierre jabs. Spinning backfist misses. Condit lands to the body. A leg kick is scooped by St-Pierre, and he's back on top in half-guard. Condit is bleeding. St-Pierre stands and lands a shot overhead. Condit rolls for a leg again, but St-Pierre fights it. Can opener from St-Pierre to open up Condit. He stands and fires off more punches that land. Both of them are turning red from Condit's blood. Condit with elbows to the top of the dome. St-Pierre still trucking. More punches from up top. He stands overhead and sends Condit reeling with a punch. St-Pierre counters with a one-two, and second round is over. MMAjunkie.com scores it 10-9 for St-Pierre, putting him up 20-18. Round 3 - St-Pierre resumes forward charge. Body kick from Condit. Jab from champ and inside leg kick. Wheel kick from Condit misses. But his next serious attempt, a left high kick, takes St-Pierre off his feet. Condit is all over St-Pierre with punches and elbows. St-Pierre trying to tie up and escape. Upkick for St-Pierre and he rolls to escape. His eye is bleeding now, but he's advancing. One-two from St-Pierre is followed by easy takedown against cage. St-Pierre is working ground and pound as Condit angles hips for an armbar. Elbow for St-Pierre. Condit with body triangle from the bottom. He's now working to get up as St-Pierre presses him back. Punches from up top for St-Pierre. Condit stands, but St-Pierre has his waist. Condit grabs a kimura but can't get it, and spills to the mat on bottom, where St-Pierre's ground assault continues. Less than a minute remaining, and Condit works to sweep. But St-Pierre passes to half-guard. Condit again goes with a kimura, but St-Pierre gets his arm free and throws down a few punches before the round ends. MMAjunkie.com scores it 10-9 for Condit. Round 4 - Kicks from Condit to start the round, as St-Pierre closes distance. The two trade high kicks bfore St-Pierre charges in and nabs another takedown against the cage. Condit sits up, but St-Pierre presses him back down. An attempted pass to side guard fails for St-Pierre. So he resumes doing damage in guard. Condit rolls to his side and takes a punch that makes him reconsider. St-Pierre briefly passes to side guard, but Condit gets guard back. An elbow lands for St-Pierre. Condit works again for an armbar, and uses his long legs to tie up St-Pierre. It's a brief vacation, as St-Pierre escapes and fires down a punch that makes the crowd scream. Back in guard, Condit scoots back and rights himself against the cage. IN a subsequent scramble he gets top position, but spends not a moment there before St-Pierre gets up, grabs his waist, and puts them on the mat. Condit again using long legs to defend from punishment. He manages to get up again and briefly exposes his back as the round ends. MMAjunkie.com scores the frame 10-9 for St-Pierre, putting him up 39-37. Round 5 - Again, St-Pierre presses. One-two from Condit blocked, and high kick. St-Pierre takes a jab. Condit goes to the inside of the leg. Condit looking for left hook. Spinning back kick lands for Condit. St-Pierre is unfazed. Condit hits a switch on St-Pierre 's next takedown attempt, and thought St-Pierre has a leg, Condit gets free. St-Pierre lands a right hand. Straight right lands for Condit, who punches forward at a retreating St-Pierre. High kick from Condit blocked. Condit lands a punch on the back end of an exchange. Then lands again. St-Pierre finds his defense and keeps moving forward. He punches right into a takedown against the cage, and Condit is flat on his back. In half-guard, St-Pierre is working to pass as crowd chants. St-Pierre almost has leg free to pass, then gets COndit's back as he rolls. Condit rolls again and St-Pierre gets back to guard, where he pounds away with punches as the seconds tick away. Condit working a kimura, but he isn't getting it. Big elbows from up top as the round, and fight, ends. MMAjunkie.com scores the final round 10-9 for St-Pierre, giving him a 49-46 win. Champ Georges St-Pierre def. interim champ Carlos Condit via unanimous decision (49-46, 50-45, 50-45

10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Break-Up: The Telltale Tweets

While Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's split seemed to come out of the blue, the formerly lovey-dovey duo may have given us a few hints that a break-up was on the horizon. Before we broke the news of the couple's split Friday, the Biebs was spotted hanging out with Victoria's Secret supermodel Barbara Palvin quite a few times in the past week. And from the looks of Gomez's tweets around that time, it appeared the former Wizards of Waverly Place star wasn't amused. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: anatomy of a split Twitter There's been no confirmation that the 19-year-old Hungarian beauty is more than just Bieber's friend, but after the pair was spotted at a Broadway performance of The Lion King with a group of people in New York City Thursday night, speculation arose that Bieber's relationship with Gomez was no more. "Lion king!," Palvin tweeted Thursday, followed by, "hey everyone. please calm down. he is all yours!! :) please :)." Just a day before, Palvin mentioned Bieber on her Twitter page again, writing, "okay sooo because u guys were askin for it! with ‪@justinbieber ! you were great tonight! ‪http://lockerz.com/s/259735356 ", along with a photo of herself standing next to Bieber backstage at the Victoria's Secret fashion show where Bieber performed. Take a peek at Justin Bieber's "Girlfriend" perfume teaser clip! AKM-GSI, Splash News Thursday night, One of the Biebs' friends, rapper Lil Twist, tweeted a photo of the "Baby" crooner and himself, with Palvin standing in the background. "Twizzy . ‪@JustinBieber . barbarapalvin ‪http://instagr.am/p/Ry94K_xN5u/ ," the Young Money rapper wrote. Gomez retweeted the photo the same day with the caption "…..". It probably didn't help that Palvin said "I don't like Selena Gomez by the way," when fans asked her to sing a song during a live Ustream chat last December. Selena Gomez says she adores Justin Bieber's fans Gomez and Bieber broke up about a week ago, a source told E! News exclusively. "Because of their crazy schedules, it was getting harder and harder to maintain a relationship," the source said. Neither of the stars has yet officially addressed their break-up.

Selena Gomez attacks Justin Bieber and model Barbara Palvin over their antics at the Victoria's Secret show

Selena Gomez attacks Justin Bieber and model Barbara Palvin over their antics at the Victoria's Secret show After Barbara tweeted that she didn't like Selena - and hung out with Justin at the Victoria's Secret show - Selena couldn't bite her tongue Justin couldn't help but look pretty chuffed with himself as he posed with Barbara backstage at the Victoria's Secret show We hope you're sitting comfortably this morning, because this Justin Bieber story is going to use up a fair few of your brain cells. It'll help if you can channel the mind of teenager while reading this. A highly charged one at that. Let's start at the beginning. Eleven months ago, supermodel Barbara Palvin did a video webchat and offered to sing her fans a song of their choice, before remarking sarcastically: "I don't like Selena Gomez by the way..." No one cared about that back then. Fast forward all the way up until this Wednesday, to Justin Bieber's performance at the Victoria Secret's show in New York. Who happened to be there? Selena Gomez-hater and all-round beautiful Victoria's Secret model Barbara Palvin. You can probably see where this is going now... but GUESS who happened to hit it off with said Selena Gomez-hater backstage? Only Justin himself! The pair were seen posing for cosy snaps together, plus retweeted each other's messages before and after the lingerie show. Barbara cosied up to Justin's main man Scooter Barbara posted this one, writing: 'Okay sooo because u guys were askin for it! with @justinbieber! you were great tonight!' Hanging out with Justin after the show in her dressing gown, Barbara was also seen posing with Justin's manager Scooter Braun and director Alfredo Flores. At this point, Justin's 'Beliebers' started doing some serious research on Barbara and somehow tracked down the clip of her saying: "I don't like Selena Gomez by the way..." You can hear Barbara's comment about Selena at three and a half minutes in... They then began tweeting the statement at Selena, which can't have been particularly nice for the singer - who is busy filming Wizards of Waverly Place with hunk Gregg Sulkin (who she has been busy tweeting about every three minutes). Fast forward twenty four hours and Selena has obviously been doing some research of her own, digging out another picture of Justin and Barbara. No doubt fuming about the whole situation, Selena tweeted the picture along with the simple - and TELLING - message: '...' Selena tweeted THIS snap, which shows Barbara in the background It shows Justin posing with pal Lil Twist, with Barbara poking her head in in the background during some sort of house party. Whether it was after the Victoria's Secret show or another time, we're not sure, but there's obviously some hostility there. 'What does it all mean?' you ask us, with wide innocent eyes. Well, our pretties, we don't exactly know - it either means Justin and Selena have split up and she's fuming about his post-break up antics or they are still together and this Twitter nonsense along with Justin's blatant staring at the lingerie show (see below) has riled her up good and proper. And if this is what Selena is tweeting, can you imagine what she is texting?! Oh to see those messages. View gallery Splash " " " " " " " " " " Justin Bieber checks Out the Victoria's Secret models - a LOT View gallery Catch Justin Bieber when he comes to the UK next year, tickets are on sale here. FROM AROUND THE WEB: Planning for Disney World in November (Undercover Tourist) Look of The Moment | Kristen Stewart (The New York Times) Taylor Swift is rumored to be falling head-over-heels for… (IrishCentral) 4 Career Lessons You Can Learn From James Bond (The Daily Recommended by Outbrain [?] 5 Commenting with your Facebook identity. House Rules Post reply Sort: Newest Oldest Most Popular Most Active Report Abuse -2 Barbara Simjak 1:08 PM on 10/11/2012 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Report Abuse 0 Eilin Ravyalo Yaltub 11:46 AM on 10/11/2012 i hate justin now Report Abuse 3 Lucinda McGovern 11:25 AM on 10/11/2012 Anybody else think it was funny how they said 'oh to see those messages' at the end? After all the hacking scandals, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words... -4 Name withheld 1:19 AM on 10/11/2012 This comment is under review. Report Abuse -4 Christopher Koulouris 10:25 PM on 9/11/2012 Poor Chi Chi catching her Biebs red handed....? Expect Biebs marching orders asp.... http://scallywagandvagabond.com/2012/11/has-justin-bieber-split-from-selena-gomez-seen-going-out-with-victorias-secret-model/ Recently Published Try and read this through your tears: It's Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's relationship in pictures We put our Sherlock Holmes hats on and all evidence points to one thing: Justin and Selena are dead. (Not in a fatal accident kind of way. Just in a probably-not-friends-on-facebook-anymore way) Justin Bieber goes on a date with Barbara Palvin, and doesn't look very proud of himself Watch out Justin Bieber! The Wanted plan to take you out partying with them Previous Articles Cover your eyes Selena! Justin Bieber REALLY discreetly checks out some underwear models So this is why the singer is normally spotted wearing sunglasses. Suddenly the whole world makes sense again Bieber bashing: Barack Obama beats Justin Bieber after "four more years" tweet becomes most popular in Twitter history Related Tags In the news Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Justin Bieber girlfriend People Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Organisations Victoria's Secret Twitter Ads by Google Expat Health Insurance Quick, Easy Compare TOP Providers Expatriate Health Insurance Quotes www.ExpatFinder.com/Instant-Quotes Marka Tescili | 444 43 44 100 bini aşan marka tescilimiz ile Türkiye lideriyiz. www.destekpatent.com.tr Love Akshara's sarees? Now buy them exclusively at Find My Look. International delivery. www.findmylook.com Recommended in 3am Why? X Factor X Factor week 6 vote: YOU be the judge and rate the performances in Best Of British week Twilight So everybody in the whole world went to the Kardashian Kollection launch, then Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Try and read this through your tears: It's Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's relationship in pictures Leandro Penna "Katie doesn't have sex toys, she has lots of boy toys": Leandro Penna's Twitter account goes mental Kourtney Kardashian Oh dear: Kourtney forgets that London isn't in America and goes shopping with dollars Lady Gaga So Lady Gaga forgets her PE kit and has to play football in clothes from lost property One Direction in America Want a sneak peek at a video of what to expect from One Direction on the X Factor? Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Justin Bieber goes on a date with Barbara Palvin, and doesn't look very proud of himself Adele "I'd only lose weight if it affected my sex life': Adele has her priorities in order Elton John Over the moon! Elton John and David Furnish expecting their second surrogate child Most Read in 3am Justin Bieber Selena Gomez attacks Justin Bieber and model Barbara Palvin over their antics at the Victoria's Secret show Chris Moyles No laughing matter: Chris Moyles and side-kick Comedy Dave in bitter feud over ex-wife Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Justin Bieber goes on a date with Barbara Palvin, and doesn't look very proud of himself X Factor Ella's fella: X Factor star Ella Henderson goes for cosy stroll with George from Union J Rita Ora Rita Ora flashes her entire boob in spectacular wardrobe malfunction - plus the best nip slips of all time Dieting Offer Weight Watchers Monthly Pass No reg fee and your first month just £14.95 Laser Eye Surgery Improve your vision! Win FREE Laser Eye Surgery with the UK's No.1 provider Bingo HUGE £30 FREE on your first deposit this weekend. Join NOW! Recommended on the Mirror Why? X Factor X Factor week 6 vote: YOU be the judge and rate the performances in Best Of British week Twilight So everybody in the whole world went to the Kardashian Kollection launch, then England football team Theowww! Walcott is an injury doubt for England friendly against Sweden Barclays Premier League Premier League REPLAY: Re-live the Saturday action from our live blog Wales rugby union team Wales 12-26 Argentina: Second-half rush from visitors condemns Wales to fourth-straight loss Barclays Premier League Reading 0-0 Norwich City: Madesjki stalemate short on quality Barclays Premier League Southampton 1-1 Swansea City: Dismal defending denies desperate Saints the spoils Barclays Premier League Everton 2-1 Sunderland: Usual Suspects star in Everton comeback Barclays Premier League Wigan Athletic 1-2 West Bromwich Albion: James Morrison's power header helps send Baggies fifth Barclays Premier League Arsenal 3-3 Fulham: Arsenal throw away win at Emirates

Denise Helms, Donald Trump, Facebook Obama slur, Obama re-elected, President Obama

Facebook Obama Slur Gets Woman Fired Denise Helms, Donald Trump, Facebook Obama slur, Obama re-elected, President Obama While President Obama was celebrating his re-election, one disgruntled voter posted a Facebook Obama slur that cost her a job and may have her facing some serious jail time. Immediately after the President was announced as the winner of the Presidential Election, a 22-year-old woman, Denise Helms, made a Facebook post that may very well change her life forever. The young lady posted a racial slur about the President, but that wasn’t enough. As heart breaking as it is to now that racism is still alive and well, a racist Facebook post isn’t against the law – but a threat surely is. In addition to revealing her true views about African Americans, the California woman then went on to suggest that maybe Obama “will get assassinated.” The post caught media attention almost instantly as Facebook users began sharing the post – some in support of its message and others in disgust and disbelief. Denise Helms, the woman who posted the racial slur against the President of the United States, is under investigation and according to the Associated Press she could face some serious time behind bars. The Secret Service will have to decide if the threat was a legit danger to Obama’s health and safety, and confirmed that if she is convicted of threatening the President she will be charged with a felony. “I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal,” Helms told Fox 40 Sacramento. “The assassination part is kind of harsh. I’m not saying I’d do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen I don’t think I’d care one bit.” Helms may not have intended on following through with the action herself, but even if her status has possibly encouraged someone else to attempt to assassinate the President she can still be found responsible for the crime. Her employers, a Cold Stone Creamery in California, received several messages, calls, and letters expressing their disgust with the racist employee and she was soon after let go. “The employee is no longer w/the company,” Cold Stone posted on their official Twitter account. “We were as shocked as you were by her outrageous & completely unacceptable comments.” The store manager of the Cold Stone that the woman worked for, Chris Kegle, went on to say, “We found her comments to be very disgusting, and they do not reflect our opinions here.” Unfortunately, she wasn’t the only person who seemed to be completely irrational about Obama taking office for another four years. Donald Trump also used social media to voice his disappointment, but luckily he is surrounded by people who know better than to threaten the President. After Trump suggested that America needed to revolt against Obama, most of the tweets were immediately taken down – more than likely because someone warned the 66-year-old business man that the Secret Service won’t hesitate to throw him in jail just because he is rich. The Facebook Obama slur is still undergoing investigation, but other news reports and political analyst are still in shock of the result of the election – not because of who won but because of America’s response. Whether or not the massive outrage is due to racism, excessive social media involvement, or just a more divided America isn’t certain, but the one thing that is for sure is that America may not remain a prominent world power if we can’t put our differences aside and truly live as a united nation. Filed Under: Entertainment, Hollywood, Politics, ViewPoint 1.Michelle Obama Speaks Out Against Angry Black Woman Comments 2.President Barack Obama Releases His Birth Certificate 3.President Obama Is Not A Fighter; Michelle Obama Regal In Black

4 Kasım 2012 Pazar

weather hurricane sandy hurricane sandy news How to Help Hurricane Sandy Victims

If you aren't able to personally provide shelter and supplies to those affected by Hurricane Sandy, it doesn't mean you can't help at all. There are many organizations along the East Coast that are providing shelter, food and other supplies to victims of superstorm Sandy. One way to help is by donating to the Red Cross. All donations will provide shelter, food, emotional support and other assistance to those affected by the storm. To donate, visit www.redcross.org, call 800-Red-Cross or text the word "Redcross" to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Nearly 100 Red Cross blood drives were canceled because of Sandy, so blood supplies are low in the areas affected the most. The Red Cross asks that those who can donate to schedule an appointment to give blood. The New York Blood Center is urging people to donate blood for those in the New York/New Jersey area. To donate, call 800-933-2566 or visit www.nybloodcenter.org. weather hurricane sandy hurricane sandy news new york hurricane hurricane sandy path hurricane sandy nyc hurricane sandy live hurricane tracker sandy tracker hurricane sandy tracker hurricane sandy 2012