30 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

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ブログ画像一覧を見る 【限定公開】アメンバー記事一覧 このブログの読者になる(チェック) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |最初 次ページ >> 2013-01-28 09:16:59 若いうちの傷はすぐ治る。峯岸 テーマ:峯岸みなみ リクエストアワーセットリストベスト100 レッスン着がぱるるとおそろいでなんだかうれしい最終日。 最終日も、鉄板の人気曲から初登場まで様々な曲がランクインしました! 中でも「夢の河」は大好きな曲でうたうことができてうれしかったです。 あっちゃんの映像を見たら、あのときのことを思い出してうるっときちゃいました( i_i)\(^^) 3位には「上からマリコ」 一昨年のじゃんけん大会を勝ち抜き、掴んだ好ポジション。 フルでうたえましたーっ♪ 2位 「奇跡は間に合わない」 K6th さえちゃんセンターのユニット。 ほっぺの2の数字、きっとさえちゃんが考えてやったんだろうなぁ。 さえちゃんの なにをしたらファンの方が楽しんでくれるか を常に考えている精神が好きだし、尊敬します。おめでとう! そして今年の第1位は「走れ!ペンギン」 チーム4はいつもスタッフさんに怒られてばかりのチームだったと聞いたことがあります。 先輩がいない状況で、目標なく気がゆるんでいたと。 今回、新組閣でチーム4がなくなってしまい、だからこそ気付いたことがたくさんあったんだと思います。 短い期間だったけどみんなのチーム愛、そしてファンの方達の気持ちが伝わり感動しました。おめでとう。 そして、なんと、 わたくし峯岸みなみ 4日間で出演曲数31曲。 最多出演だそうです\(^o^)/マジ? 実感はそんなになかったんですが、すごく嬉しかったです。 リクエストアワーは、楽曲だけじゃなく、その背景やメンバーの想い、ファンの想いが奇跡を起こす面白いライブだなと改めて思いました。 来年もあるのならば、一曲でも多くうたえるように頑張ります! 投票してくださったみなさん、会場にお越しのみなさん、YouTubeでご覧のみなさん 4日間ありがとうございました&お疲れ様でしたー!!!!! 新曲「So long!」の衣装で。 お祝いに駆けつけてくれた夏まゆみ先生の言葉が染みたなぁぁぁぁぁぁ。 本当に辛いときに、底力に会える。 会おう、たくさん。 かかってこい、逆境。

The Web-Deprived Study at McDonald's

CITRONELLE, Ala.—Joshua Edwards's eighth-grade paper about the Black Plague came with a McDouble and fries. Joshua sometimes does his homework at a McDonald's restaurant—not because he is drawn by the burgers, but because the fast-food chain is one of the few places in this southern Alabama city of 4,000 where he can get online access free once the public library closes. Cheap smartphones and tablets have put Web-ready technology into more hands than ever. But the price of Internet connectivity hasn't come down nearly as quickly. And in many rural areas, high-speed Internet through traditional phone lines simply isn't available at any price. The result is a divide between families that have broadband constantly available on their home computers and phones, and those that have to plan their days around visits to free sources of Internet access. That divide is becoming a bigger problem now that a fast Internet connection has evolved into an essential tool for completing many assignments at public schools. Federal regulators identified the gap in home Internet access as a key challenge for education in a report in 2010. Access to the Web has expanded since then, but roughly a third of households with income of less than $30,000 a year and teens living at home still don't have broadband access there, according to the Pew Research Center.

Hearst’s road to Oz

Dr. Mehmet Oz, the heart surgeon known as America’s Doctor, is said to be negotiating with Hearst about an eponymously named magazine that would launch in the second half of the year. No contract has been finalized, but one source said it was ”about 90 percent there.” Such a title from the good doctor could serve as newsstand sales Viagra for Hearst Magazines and the rest of the industry, which have struggled with flaccid individual sales. For the most recent Nielsen ratings for the week ended Jan. 13, Dr. Oz was the No. 3 afternoon talker with 3.4 million viewers — behind only Dr. Phil McGraw, with 4.2 million, and Ellen DeGeneres, with 3.7 million, who is not a doctor but once played one on TV. Getty Images Dr. Mehmet Oz REUTERS Chris Hughes Oz is a consistently strong newsstand draw whenever he appears on magazine covers — which seem to come at the rate of at least one major cover per month. His most recent cover appearance was the January issue of O, the Oprah Magazine. O, that once red-hot title, is a joint venture between former talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions and Hearst. At its launch 13 years ago, O had one of the fastest starts and roads to profitability of any magazine in Hearst’s history. For many years it remained the company’s No. 1 moneymaker after Cosmopolitan — although it was passed by a resurgent Elle in 2012. That was a year after Oprah abandoned her top-rated syndicated show for her own cable channel, OWN. Despite Oprah’s slump, Hearst still seems to be master of the joint venture. In recent years, HGTV and the Food Network Magazine, both in partnership with Scripps, have turned into instant newsstand hits. Hearst apparently had some competition for an Oz joint venture. The 52-year-old Columbia University professor also apparently toyed with the idea of a joint venture with Time Inc. Time Inc. dangled an offer to rechristen its struggling Health magazine as Dr. Oz’s Health, sources said. Oz has a close relationship with the company as a contributor to Time magazine — but so far Hearst seems to have the inside track. Hearst President David Carey has said that he hoped to unveil a new joint venture in the second half of 2013 — but at the time declined to name the partner. Neither side is ready to confirm a deal — or that they are talking. An Oz spokesman said, “Magazines always report sales go up when they work with Dr. Oz. We’ll never rule anything out, but we don’t have a deal with anyone.” Said Carey: “We don’t comment on our development activities.” Digi doin’s Condé Nast publishers and top executives gathered at their annual publishers meeting at the Fours Seasons Resort in Palm Beach, Fla., on Monday and Tuesday and got their first peek at the company’s

ton Abbey,' the video game?

fans, the temptation to insert one's self into the action can at times be overwhelming, never more so than during Sunday night’s heartbreaking, four-hanky weeper of an episode. Didn’t we all want to jump into the show and rush Sybil off to the hospital or, failing that, push Lord Grantham and Sir Philip in front of a speeding train? Now, thanks to an exceedingly clever person named Bill Kiley, that reality is one step closer (if not quite realized): “Downton Abbey” has been satirically reimagined as a Super Nintendo game. SAG Awards 2013: 'Downton Abbey' wins ensemble in a drama series Photos: 'Downton Abbey' Season 3 portraits 'Downton Abbey' recap: Father knows worst For children of the ‘90s who grew up playing "Super Mario Bros." and "The Legend of Zelda," the spoof game is like a double dose of nostalgia: all the peculiar rituals of the British aristocracy as reimagined in 8-bit graphics, with a hypnotic, synthesized version of the show’s familiar theme song on the soundtrack. PHOTOS: 'Downton Abbey' and more 2013 SAG Award winners In the “game,” a player arrives as the new footman at Downton Abbey, where he is greeted by Carson and promptely sent to complete tasks (cigar-fetching, pillow-fluffing, cutlery-identifying) that aren’t so different from what Daisy, Thomas, Anna and the rest of the downstairs staff do week in and week out. We love the game as is, but might we suggest a challenge in which we help carry a dead Turkish diplomat out of Lady Mary's bed or add an egg to Mrs. Patmore's hollandaise sauce before it curdles? Alas, “Downton Abbey” is not a actually video game (yet), but why not follow in Lady Edith’s footsteps and start a letter-writing campaign to make it a reality? ALSO:

Gomer Pyle actor Jim Nabors on marrying partner: 'Just wanted it legal'

Actor Jim Nabors says marrying his longtime male partner doesn't change anything about their relationship — he just wanted it to be formally acknowledged. The 82-year-old actor best known as Gomer Pyle in "The Andy Griffith Show" told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he just wanted the marriage to be legal. Nabors married 64-year-old Stan Cadwallader in Seattle on Jan. 15. Nabors says they have been partners for 38 years. Nabors says they flew from Honolulu just for the short ceremony and were married in a hotel room by a judge friend who drove up from Olympia, Wash. Nabors says he's not an activist but feels strongly that everyone should be able to choose who they spend their life with. News of Nabors' marriage was first reported by Hawaii News Now. The couple met in 1975 when Cadwallader was a Honolulu firefighter. "I'm 82 and he's in his 60s and so we've been together for 38 years and I'm not ashamed of people knowing, it's just that it was such a personal thing, I didn't tell anybody," Nabors said. "I'm very happy that I've had a partner of 38 years and I feel very blessed. And, what can I tell you, I'm just very happy." Nabors said he's been open about his homosexuality to co-workers and friends but never acknowledged it to the media before. He doesn't plan to get involved in the issue politically. "I'm not a debater. And everybody has their own opinion about this and actually I'm not an activist, so I've never gotten involved in any of this," Nabors told Hawaii News Now. Nabors became an instant success when he joined "The Andy Griffith Show" in spring 1963. The character of Gomer Pyle — the unworldly, lovable gas pumper who would exclaim "Gollllll-ly!" — proved so popular that in 1964 CBS starred him in "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C." In the spinoff, which lasted five seasons, Gomer left his hometown of Mayberry to become a Marine recruit Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/01/30/gomer-pyle-actor-jim-nabors-on-marrying-partner-just-wanted-it-legal/#ixzz2JV3VH8IY

5 things that could make BlackBerry 10 a

CNN) -- All BlackBerry did Wednesday was change its corporate name, introduce two new smartphones and launch a bold new mobile operating system, BlackBerry 10, that may be the struggling company's last stab at relevance. Now it's up to consumers to render a verdict on whether BlackBerry's new offerings -- the all-touchscreen Z10 phone and the Q10, which still has a keyboard -- are worth buying over iPhones or Android devices. BlackBerry (they're now no longer known as Research in Motion) still has some work to do, and early reviews of BlackBerry 10 have been mixed. But there are some promising signs out there. Here are five reasons BlackBerry 10 may win over fans, new and old. The telephone has come a long way from the 1930s, when rotary dial models such as the one pictured here were popular, to the iPhones and BlackBerrys we carry today. Click through to see a visual history of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell invented the liquid transmitter circa 1876. This phone box in Southwark Bridge, London, features a wall-mounted phone with separate mouthpiece and receiver from 1924. The rotary phone in this 1930s Reading, Pennsylvania, police box could be usd to summon police, ambulance or fire services at a moment's notice. Rotary dial telephones with separate mouthpieces and receivers are commonly reffered to as "candlestick" phones. This model from the mid-1930s features the rotary dial in the shaft of the telephone, rather than the base-dial models with which most people are familiar. This 1950s rotary phone features an attached mouthpiece and receiver. Men of the English Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry call their loved ones after being told to prepare for duty in the Suez Canal Zone in 1956. Payphones were common up until the cell phones became popular and affordable. Some of the first push-button phones are pictured here in 1971. Franck Piccard of France talks on his mobile phone after the Mens Super G Slalom event at the 1988 Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, Alberta. This model of mobile phone was marketed by Racal-Vodac Limited of Newbury, Berkshire, England, in 1997, to serve dual roles as a mobile unit installed in a car or as a portable unit. The unit was sold with a battery charger and extension antenna for use in areas with poor reception. Cell phone manufacturers made great strides between 1997 and 2004. The Palm Treo 600 smartphone, pictured here in 2004, integrated telephone with e-mail and Internet browsing capabilities. Motorola's MPx wireless device, released in the second half of 2004, took the smartphone to a new level with Wi-Fi capabilites and a fully functional keyboard. The first generation Apple iPhone, released on June 29, 2007, had people lining up for days before and after its release. It was an advancement in the world of smartphones, incorporating a touchscreen, apps, telephone, e-mail and a host of other features. The iPhone 4S, released on October 14, 2011, expanded on the iPhone's innovations with the addition of groundbreaking retina diplay technology and SIRI. The BlackBerry Bold 9930, shown here, continues a long line of BlackBerry devices so popular they have commonly been dubbed "crackberries." They are also popular smartphones for business applications because of their fully functional keyboards and advanced e-mail capabilities. The original Motorola Droid was the thinnest of its kind at its 2011 release. Motorola's Droid Razr Maxx, on display at the 2012 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, has a longer battery life than previous models. A visitor uses a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone during a press day at the Samsung stand at the IFA 2012 consumer electronics trade fair on August 30, 2012 in Berlin. Last year Samsung's Galaxy S III overtook Apple's iPhone 4S to become the world's best-selling smartphone for the third quarter, according to research by Strategy Analytics. The iPhone 5 looks similar to previous models but has a larger screen and is lighter and thinner than the iPhone 4S. The phone also comes with a faster processor called the Apple A6, which connects to mobile carriers with a 4G LTE connection, making for speedier Internet browsing. BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins displays the two new Blackberry 10 smartphones at the BlackBerry 10 launch event on Wednesday, January 30 in New York. The Z10, left, features an all-touch keyboard. The Q10 features a classic BlackBerry tactile keyboard. A visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneA visual history of the telephoneHIDE CAPTION <<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 >>> Photos: A visual history of the telephone New productivity features How secure is the BlackBerry 10? Large companies and government agencies have historically been BlackBerry's core clients. But in recent years more people have been bringing their own devices into the workplace, choosing to stick with fun, app-laden phones over devices that just offer security and IT-department approval. For BlackBerry 10, the company smartly focused on features that maximize productivity and speed. A new feature called Balance splits a BlackBerry phone into two separate devices, one for work and one for personal use. (Balance is only for customers connected to BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 at work.) The separate profiles cordon off sensitive work information so that IT departments can control the flow of data. Personal apps, e-mails and photos are on the Personal side, so you can jump from one profile to the other. It's a way to manage both sides of your life without sacrificing privacy or security, and without dragging around two separate devices as some BlackBerry users have been doing. CNNMoney: BlackBerry's Z10 and BB10 feel a generation late Being productive requires switching between apps and tasks quickly and seamlessly. At the BlackBerry 10 launch event Wednesday morning, executives demonstrated something called BlackBerry Hub, which collects all a user's notifications in one spot. It can be accessed from anywhere on the phone with a swipe, and shows social media, calendar, BBM, e-mail and other updates (you can pick what shows up here to minimize noise). You can have up to eight apps going at once, and the feature lets users quickly switch back and forth between messaging platforms without having to open or close apps or revisit the home screen. Another popular tool, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM to its friends), got a new upgrade. The messaging app already allowed for free voice calls over Wi-Fi, but in BB10 it's adding a FaceTime-like video-chatting feature. Perhaps its coolest new trick is the ability to share your phone's screen with the person on the other end of the call (if they're also on a BlackBerry 10 device), so you can review work documents or enjoy photos together without having to e-mail or

Ashley Judd splits from Dario Franchitti

Dario Franchitti and Ashley Judd celebrate his victory in the 2007 Indianapolis 500. (Rob Carr / Associated Press) Actress Ashley Judd and her husband, race car driver Dario Franchitti, are divorcing, Us Weekly is reporting. "We have mutually decided to end our marriage. We'll always be family and continue to cherish our relationship based on the special love, integrity, and respect we have always enjoyed," the couple said in a statement. Shortly after the statement was released Judd tweeted: "Family forever. @dariofranchitti." Franchitti also sent a tweet of his own: "@ashleyjudd family forever." The couple was married in December 2001 in a castle in Scotland, Franchitti's home country. Franchitti won the Indianapolis 500 last year, the third time he has won the race. Judd, 44, and Franchitti, 39, do not have any children together. ALSO: Report links Alex Rodriguez to performance-enhancing drugs Watch the 'SNL' Ray Lewis that had the real Ray Lewis in tears Former Raider Kwame Harris allegedly assaults his ex-boyfriend